Automatic Surface Analysis System

  • Model: AutoSIMS
  • Manufacturer: Hiden Analytical

Hiden Analytical has developed a fully self-contained automatic surface analysis system in the AutoSIMS, an innovative secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) that can perform routine and repetitive analysis with unattended operation. With a fully-automated X-Y stage and expanded holder, the AutoSIMS by Hiden can run hundreds of processes a day during uninterrupted 24/7 operation.


  • For automatic unattended analysis of multiple samples
  • Small footprint
  • Easy “user-friendly” layout
  • Depth Profiling
  • Requires only single-phase electrical power (under 10 A)
  • Positive SIMS and SNMS
  • Mobile cart design
  • 3D characterization and imaging
  • Mass spectra
  • Isotopic analysis
  • Parameters can be specified via spreadsheet
  • Nanometre depth resolution
  • Modular servicing for high up time
  • Oxygen ion gun for sensitive analysis
  • Customizable casstte style sample holder
  • Contamination with Silicone
  • Flexible Solar Cell
  • Surgical Stent
  • Electronic Materials

Hiden Analytical has developed a fully self-contained automatic surface analysis system in the AutoSIMS, an innovative secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) that can perform routine and repetitive analysis with unattended operation. With a fully automated X-Y stage and expanded holder, the AutoSIMS by Hiden can run hundreds of processes a day during uninterrupted 24/7 operation.

AutoSIMS comprises

  • High vacuum stainless steel multi port analysis chamber 
  • Automatic large area X/Y stage for automatic unattended analysis of up to 96 samples. 
  • MAXIM 600 P quadrupole SIMS/SNMS analyser 
  • IG-20 Primary ion source – Oxygen or Argon 
  • A custom designed sample holder for up to 96 samples to be simultaneously loaded for measurement into the dry-pumped vacuum chamber. 
  • UHV turbo molecular pump sets – 2 off. SIMS data system including high specification desktop PC with dual monitor display. 
  • MASsoft Professional SIMS, IG-20 ion gun control software and SIMS Mapper included. 
  • Total pressure gauges for monitoring vacuum pump-down, vacuum integrity confirmation and interlock protection in case of overpressure. 
  • Spares kit including SNMS filament kit, IG -20 filament kit spare vacuum seals. 

The long service life of the ion gun ensures a consistent high-stability beam is generated throughout extended periods of operation, allowing the cassette holder and sample stage to deliver continuous sample doses for high throughput batch analysis. Even novice operators can program the automatic surface analysis system by tweaking the matrix of experimental parameters through a simple spreadsheet.

The AutoSIMS automatic surface analysis system by Hiden can perform both static and dynamic SIMS analysis with nanometre depth resolution, with complete independence. It can also be run in manual mode for expert users looking to exploit the full raft of technical possibilities available to them.

Primary ions
Energy/current: 1 to 5 keV / up to 400 nA 
Gases: Oxygen for high sensitivity
Spot size: under 50 µm (imaging), 80 µm depth profiling
Boron in Silicon (SIMS): 2 ppm (1017 atoms cm-3)
Pump down to operation typically 30- 40 minutes with inert gas vent. 
Ultimate <5 x 10-8
Size h x w x d: 1681x934x546mm 
Weight: 285 kg
Power: 220/230/115V  – 50/60 Hz  < 10Amps
Services required for operation:

Standard power outlet. Oxygen or argon gas supply.

The gas supply can be from an internally mounted 34 litre cylinder with C10 valve. A standard gas bottle with regulator can also be used.

A work space is required for the SIMS PC data system.

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