What is a Seaport? 2 Criteria for Classifying Seaports

What is a Seaport? 2 Criteria for Classifying Seaports

The classification of seaports must be based on specific criteria and regulations. So, how many types of seaports are there and what are the criteria for classifying them? Let’s delve deeper into this topic with Reecotech in the article below! What is a seaport? According to Article 73, Clause 1 of the Vietnam Maritime Code [...]
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Application of Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring Stations in Flood Forecasting

Application of Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring Stations in Flood Forecasting

Hydrometeorological monitoring is the systematic observation and measurement of atmospheric, river, stream, canal, ditch, lake, and marine parameters with a high degree of accuracy (Clause 5, Article 3 of the 2015 Hydrometeorological Law). To ensure quality, monitoring must be accurate, continuous, and adhere to technical standards; Results must be representative and objectively reflect the current [...]
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Hệ thống đo mưa tự động

How to measure rainfall – A guide to effectively using rain gauging devices

Measuring rainfall not only helps us better understand climate and weather but also plays a significant role in various fields such as agriculture, water resource management, and environmental protection. In the following article, Reeco will guide you on how to accurately measure rainfall using specialized equipment. The importance of rainfall measurement Rainfall measurement is not [...]
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Giám sát thời tiết và khí tượng hải văn cho điện gió ngoài khơi

Offshore Wind Optimization: What Benefits Does Reeco Tech’s System Offer?

On a global scale, the demand for renewable energy is growing rapidly. Wind energy, with its endless and environmentally friendly supply, plays an important role in meeting this demand. However, to effectively exploit offshore wind energy, advanced technological solutions are needed to ensure safety and optimize operations. The weather and ocean monitoring system developed by [...]
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Contents of the hydro-meteorological database

Contents of the hydro-meteorological database

Hydrology is a scientific field that studies water and water environments. It focuses on collecting, analyzing, and predicting information related to water, including groundwater, seawater, lakes, rivers, and other water flows. Hydro-meteorological data consists of information and statistics related to water environments collected from monitoring stations and other sources. So what does hydro-meteorological data include? [...]
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How is not installing water resource monitoring and supervision equipment penalized?

How is not installing water resource monitoring and supervision equipment penalized?

How much is the penalty for not installing water resource monitoring and supervision equipment during exploitation? This is a matter of concern for many businesses, organizations, and individuals. Let’s find out more details about this issue right away. Subjects subject to penalties for violating regulations on water resource monitoring and supervision According to Article 1, [...]
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