IMI-HTP high accuracy hydrogen storage analyzer

Manometric hydrogen sorption analyzer, for investigation of novel storage materials

Model: IMI-HTP
Manufacturer: Hiden Isochema


  • Sub-microgram hydrogen sorption resolution
  • High pressure operation from ambient temperature to 773 K
  • Liquid N2 coolant options for low temperature physisorption
  • Fully upgradable modular design
  • Versatile instrument control, with fully programmable software
  • Also operates with a range of other gases (N2, CH4, CO2, O2,…)

The IMI-HTP is designed primarily for the investigation of novel hydrogen storage materials using Sieverts’ Method up to pressures of 200 bar. It offers highly automated sorption measurement procedures, as well as full control over all experimental parameters. This flexibility enables fully programmable operation throughout the entire measurement pressure range, with the sample temperature controllable from ambient up to 773 K. Optional cryocooling can extend this range down to cryogenic temperatures.

The system hardware, including the stainless steel construction, all-metal seals, and oil-free vacuum degassing capability, is specified to meet the challenging demands of high pressure hydrogen operation, while the reactor features permanent overpressure protection to satisfy the most rigorous safety requirements.

The instrument’s inherent flexibility allows users to characterize the fundamental properties of hydrogen storage materials by determining PCT (Pressure-CompositionTemperature) relations, kinetic rates of absorption and desorption, and van ’t Hoff plots for the calculation of sorption enthalpies. Applied experiments, such as cyclic thermal and pressure stability testing, can then be used to assess the potential of a material to suit real-world applications


  • Proven reliability, accuracy and repeatability
  • Optimized for small sample sizes under all temperature and pressure conditions
  • Advanced software with complete user programmability

High accuracy hydrogen storage material analyzer

  • Hydrogen Storage
  • Methane Storage
  • Metal and Complex Hydrides
  • Enthalpy of Formation/Decomposition Determination


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