IGASORP-XT dynamic vapor sorption analyzer

Fully automated DVS analyzer, with advanced control method for water sorption under extreme conditions

Manufacturer: Hiden Isochema


  • Controlled humidity from 0.2 %RH at 50 °C and from 0.5 %RH at 25 °C
  • Water sorption isotherms from 5 to 300 °C
  • Integrated pre-heater for drying and thermal desorption studies to 350 °C
  • User protection for sample loading at elevated temperatures
  • Full automation for isothermal, isochoric and temperature-programmed experiments
  • Automated external water reservoir feed for prolonged unattended operation

The IGAsorp-XT is a fully automated water sorption analyzer designed for measurements at temperatures and humidities beyond those available with conventional DVS analyzers. High resolution sorption isotherms are recorded at humidity values from 0.2 %RH or lower, using the unique climate-XT control method. Combined with high temperature water sorption measurements to 300 °C, an integrated pre-heater and completely flexible method programming, the IGAsorp-XT is the world’s most advanced benchtop DVS analyzer.


  • Unrivalled performance and total baseline stability
  • Unique climate-XT mode offers lowest controllable humidity of any DVS analyzer
  • High accuracy water isotherm measurements up to 300 °C


Hiden Isochema’s unique IGA method is applied independently to every step in a gravimetric sorption measurement. At each step, the humidity and temperature are actively regulated, with resultant changes in sample weight continuously recorded.

The kinetic weight data is analyzed in real-time, and the trend toward equilibrium is predicted and displayed on screen. Equilibration criteria are applied to objectively determine the period allowed before the measurement moves on to the next pressure or temperature value. Each equilibrium point is plotted on an isotherm or isohume, and the full raw data is also recorded. 

IGAsorp analyzers therefore allow consistent analysis with optimum measurement accuracy and faster overall process times.


The unique features of the IGAsorp-XT make it ideally suited to the study of a range of material types. The following are especially relevant:

  • Polymer membranes
  • Composites
  • Proton exchange membranes for fuel cell applications
  • High performance engineering materials
  • Hydrophilic nanoporous materials
  • High performance drying agents (sorbents)

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