A specalist gas analysis system for fast event transient analysis

  • Model: HPR-20 TMS
  • Manufacturer: Hiden Analytical

The Hiden HPR-20 TMS Transient MS is configured for fast event gas analysis of gases and vapours at pressures near atmosphere. Ideal for fast gas switching experiments the MS features the Hiden QIC quartz-lined 0.9 m sampling interface.


  • Thermal analysis TA/MS
  • Catalysis
  • Fuel cells
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Human breath analysis
  • Gas separation studies
  • Mud logging (oil exploration)

The inlet, operating at 200 °C, provides response times of less than 150 ms to changes in gas composition with a 5 decade response time in < 200 ms.

The QIC inlet is coupled directly to Hiden’s Pulse Ion Counting (PIC) digital MS which is capable of measurement speeds of up to 500 data points/s over the entire 7 decade dynamic range.

The Hiden HPR-20 Transient MS gas analysis system is configured for fast event analysis of gases and vapours at pressures near atmosphere in standard form, alternative systems being offered for applications requiring direct sampling from higher pressures to 30 bar.

The Hiden QIC quartz-lined 0.9 m sampling interface operating at up to 200oC provides fast response times of less than 150 millisecond for most common gases and vapours, including water vapour.

The HPR-20 Transient MS system includes the Hiden 3F series triple-stage mass filter mass spectrometer with pulse ion counting detection. The standard system with 200 amu mass range has a detection capability to less than 5 part- per-billion.

An external dry scroll pump is included to provide high performance combined sample bypass and UHV foreline pumping to provide optimum performance for applications with significant concentration of light gases, helium carrier gas for example.

Standard features include:

  • <150ms response time to changes in gas 
  • 7decade continuous dynamic range with > 5 decades response in < 2 seconds.
  • Fastscan speeds up to 650 measurements per second for transient anal
  • Low deadvolume, heated inlet for fast response to vapour
  • APSI-MSsoft ionisation mode for suppression of spectral fragmentation providing simplified analysis of complex 
  • Windows®MASsoft Professional PC software for data acquisition, data display and control of quadrupole parameter
  • Integrationof external signals (temperature for example) simultaneously logged with mass spectrometer  Two channels, ±10 V user labelled and user scaleable in units of user choice are included.

System options include:

  • 300amu mass range  Mass spectrometers with mass range to 1000 amu are available for specialised applications.
  • Faradaycup detector to extend the counting range to 5X1010c/s  not suited for transient measurement
  • Corrosivegas sampling system configura
  • MobileCart-mounting configuration option as an alternative to the standard compact bench-top

Hiden HPR-20 TMS Transient MS for Fast Event Gas Analysis


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