Ammonia analyzer (NH3) at ppm level Ambient air and Emission monitoring

  • Model: DET NH3
  • Manufacturer: Chromatotec

NH3 analyzer by UV spectroscopy. A new continuous NH3 analyzer by UV Spectroscopy is now completed the analyzer range proposed by Chromatotec®


  • Used in addition to Volatil Organic Compound and sulfurs analyzers, the NH3 analyzer gives an additional option for the detection and control of ambient air, emission and odor.
  • This analyzer monitors the efficiency of filtration system for deodorization. This application is the same as H2S and mercaptans analysis made with the MEDOR® range.


  • Online ammonia analysis has become essential to keep up with the environmental and sanitary regulations.These analyses involve different markets such as: industrial effluent monitoring, waste water treatment plant and ambient air.
  • The method used is based on the Fourier transform of the absorption spectrum of ammonia NH3.
  • This system need very low operating and maintenance costs. Indeed, the Xenon lamp has a lifetime of around 10 years with one measurement every minute.
  • Moreover, it is important to note that no interferences can be caused by suspended particules.


  • 12 Volt battery for complete autonomy
  • 24 Volt pump on standard model to sample only what is needed by the analyzer
  • Air zero generator (NH3 ≤ 0.1ppm) for the analyzer blank and for the dilution of the calibration
  • Calibration system with NH3 permeation tube is used to confirm the results(need to be controled by an auto GC 866)
  • Multiplexer
  • Measurement remote control
  • Specific cabinet upon request


Detection limit: • NH3 ≤ 0.2 ppm
Standard detection range: • 0-100 ppm (contact us for other range)
Maximum performance: • Analyzer’s optimum function at 22°C ± 5°C
• Installed by Chromatotec®
Detection system: • UV Spectroscopy
Working pressure: • Max 2 bar
Sample temperature: • 0 to+30°C (to be confirmed depending on application)
Display: • Graphic display and data storage
Results: • Directly available on the screen
• Data format compatible with Excel
• Full traceability of results
Communication: • RS-232 for computer, modem, Modbus or printer
Signal output and relay: • 4 – 20 mA
• High and low threshold relays
Power supply: • 110/120 Volt or 220 / 240 Volt and 50 / 60Hz
• Battery: 24V (option)
Electrical consumption: • 30 VA
Dimensions and weight: • Rack: 19’’ (5U)
• Height: 222 mm• Width: 482 mm

• Depth: 660 mm
• Net weight analyser: 20 kg

To order: Model:
Standard NH3 analyzer

DET NH3 with screen and keyboard





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