airmoPURE D 45 PSI

Zero air generator

  • Model: airmoPURE D 45 PSI
  • Manufacturer: Chromatotec

Zero VOC air production for the analyzer or for carrier gas

The airmoPure provides zero air for:

  • FID detector: 180 ml/min
  • Pneumatic valve: 60 ml by commutation
  • Permapure: 150 ml/min for C2C6: Total flow for airmOzone =580 ml/min
  • Cooling box (Peltier effect) for C2C6: 13 ml/min
  • Dilution of permeation tube for calibration : 50 ml/min
  • Carrier gas for MEDOR®

The airmoPure includes:

  • A compressor station fixed with a 10-liter reservoir at 7 bars which delivers outlet pressure at 3 or 4 bars with protection
  • A membrane air dryer with automatic purge. The air is dried before being compressed in the cylinder.
  • A heated catalyser to eliminate hydrocarbons at ppt level
  • Connections between the airmoPure and the instrument

Example with 3 bars inlet:

  • 180 ml/min for FID
  • 50 ml/min in continious for Calibration
  • Dilution: 230 ml/min in discontinuous mode (during calibration only)
  • Benzene permeation tube (32 ng/min ± 10% at 45°C) diluted at 230 ml/min = 139 µg/m3 or 37 ppb
  • Zero air for analysis in continuous mode (airmoBTX /CALIB): 180 + 50 ≈ 230 ml/min
  • Zero air for analysis in discontinuous (airmoBTX/CALIB): 180 + 230 ≈ 410 ml/min



Zero air total hydrocarbon concentration: • < 0.1 ppb NMTHC in ambient air without poltion
Dew point: • < -15°C°
Zero air maximum flow: • 1 l/min in discontinuous mode for airmOzone
Noise: • 55 dB(A)
Zero air start up time: • 45 min
Power supply: • 230V / 110V / 115V and 50 Hz/60Hz)
Electrical consumption: • 310 VA
Dimensions and weight: • Height: 370 mm
• Width: 370 mm
• Depth: 370 mm
• Net Weight: 17 kg
To order: Model:
airmoPURE D 45 PSI XXX031-D



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