
A system for determination of intra catalyst reactor chemistry

  • Model: Spaci-MS
  • Manufacturer: Hiden Analytical

Spaci-MS allows both radial and axial species determination and temperature profiles, with high spatial and temporal resolution and with negligible interference in flow or temperature. The 16 channel multi-inlet is coupled to Hiden’s fast transient MS to provide automatic and rapid mapping of temperature and species distributions.


  • 16 Capillary inlet system
  • Software controlled sampling stream position
  • Z-Drive for positioning of inlet positions
  • Thermocouple inputs for temperature measurement at sampling point
  • Minimally invasive
  • 3-D Mapping of intra-reactor gas composition
  • High temporal distribution


  • Catalysis

The Hiden Analytical spatially resolved capillary inlet MS (SpaciMS) is the first commercially available instrument of its kind.

The SpaciMS inlet was originally conceived and developed by researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Cummins, Inc. to study diesel catalysis (1) and has been further developed for a whole range of applications.

The 16 capillary sampling probes and thermocouples are arranged in an X-Y array. A Z-shift provides movement and accurate positioning of the array in the Z plane. In usual practice, the 16 capillary sampling probes are sequentially analysed by the MS. The Z-shift is then actuated to move the sampling probe array to the next incremental Z position and the analysis sequence is repeated. On completion the analytical data provides a spatial representation of temperature and sample gas composition of the volume enclosed within the X-Y array over the total incremental Z distance moved.

SpaciMS Multi-channel Inlet for Intra-Catalyst Gas Analysis


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