Controlled via a windows PC based interface, which handles thermal management of the source, the gun is easy and reproducible to set up and can be configured for high current or small spot applications. Drivers for LabVIEW are also available to permit OEM integration into other systems.
A high-brightness caesium ion gun for SIMS depth profiling, surface physics and surface modification.
The IG5C is a focussed ion gun producing an intense beam of caesium ions ideally suited to SIMS analysis of electronegative elements and MCs+ clusters (where M is the element of interest). The ion source uses safe caesium salts that are ionised by contact ionisation. The ion beam is transported through a two lens optical column incorporating a user replaceable beam defining aperture and a double deflection system to remove neutral particles.
The gun is controlled via an intuitive PC interface that includes beam diagnostics (for measuring sample current and spot profile) as well as automatic thermal management of the source.
The fast response beam steering module attaches directly to the ion gun giving sweep rates to 64 µseconds, and when used in conjunction with the Hiden SIMS probes the raster rate and raster area may be directly defined through the spectrometer control program.
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