A compact bench-top gas analysis system for evolved gas analysis in thermogravimetric mass spectrometry, TGA-MS

  • Model: HPR-20 EGA
  • Manufacturer: Hiden Analytical

The HPR-20 EGA system includes EGAsoft PC software, an application specific software program designed for TGA-MS, including data export in formats to suit direct import of MS data into the TGA equipment software.


  • Thermal analysis TA/MS
  • Catalysis
  • Fuel cells
  • Environmental monitoring

The Hiden HPR-20 EGA is a bench top mass spectrometer with QIC (quartz inert capillary) that samples from 100 mbar to 2 bar gauge and is included as standard.

The HPR-20 EGA system includes an external dry scroll pump to provide for high performance combined sample bypass and UHV foreline pumping, providing fast response and effective pumping for light gases.

Effective pumping for light gases enables the use of helium as the carrier gas for TGA-MS studies without compromise to sample flow and response. The benefit of using helium as a carrier gas of choice for TGA-MS studies is the reduced mass spectral interference with helium, compared to nitrogen or argon for example.

The HPR-20 EGA system has mass range 200 amu (300 amu option) and with a detection capability from 100% to less than 100 part-per-billion.

An extensive range of MS inlets for optimised coupling the HPR-20 EGA mass spectrometer to TGA systems is offered to suit an existing TGA, or OEM partner TGA equipment.

The TGA interface includes re-entrant furnace sampling, providing close coupling to the TGA furnace region for optimized evolved gas/vapour analysis.

Custom designed interfaces are available for special requirements with alternative systems being offered for applications requiring direct sampling from advanced thermogravimetric analysers operating at higher pressures to 30 bar.

Standard features include:

  • Quantitative data output in PPM, PPB or % units.
  • < 300 ms response time to changes in gas concentrations.
  • Fast scan speeds up to 650 measurements/s for transient analysis.
  • APSI-MS soft ionisation mode for suppression of spectral fragmentation providing simplified analysis of complex mixtures.
  • New 3D data plot for viewing mass vs. electron energy and intensity.
  • New Automated spectral analysis providing peak identification and composition analysis.
  • Low dead volume, heated inlet for fast response to vapours.
  • Windows® MASsoft Professional PC software for data acquisition, data display and control of quadrupole parameters.
  • Integration of external signals (temperature for example) simultaneously logged with mass spectrometer data. Two channels, 10V user labelled and user scalable in units of user choice are included.

Standard options include

  • 300 amu mass range option. Mass spectrometers with mass range to 1000 amu are available.
  • Thermogravimetric analyser interface systems.
  • Mobile Cart-mounting configuration option as an alternative to the standard compact bench- top design

Hiden HPR-20 EGA for evolved gas analysis in TGA-MS


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