EXO Wiped Conductivity & Temperature Sensor

Low-Cost Environmental Monitoring Sonde

This product is intended for long-term monitoring applications in fouling environments. This sensor must be installed into an EXO Sonde with central wiper to function.


  • 0 to 100 mS/cm measurement range
  • ±0.01°C (-5 to 35°C)
  • long term monitoring
  • simple calibration

Biofilms, barnacles, and algal growth are common culprits of poor data quality, clogging up conductivity cells and coating sensor optics. While EXO2’s Central Wiper can mechanically remove biofouling from other sensors to maintain data integrity over long deployment periods, the anatomy of a standard conductivity & temperature sensor makes this anti-fouling technique ineffective…until now.

Introducing the EXO Wiped Conductivity & Temperature sensor from YSI, designed with and engineered for compatibility with EXO2’s Central Wiper.

Discover the benefits of Wiped (C/T):

Value_Icon_Money.png Save money by reducing the number of site visits each year. Pays for itself in under a year depending on application.
Value_Icon_Wiper.png Lower the cleaning & maintenance requirements for conductivity sensors, and spend less time with anti-fouling screens and removing the build-up of hard growth.
Value_Icon_Thumbs_Up.png Improve the reliability of your conductivity sensor, now with non-metallic electrodes. Leverage the flexible, plug-and-play sensor architecture of an existing EXO2 sonde with this user upgradeable solution.
Value_Icon_Sensor.png Improve the representativeness of your conductivity data by avoiding stagnant readings and reducing the impact of micro-environments.
Value_Icon_Data.png Reduce the need for post-processing data and spend less time manually adjusting for fouling-related sensor drift.
Value_Icon_Fouling.png Prevent common types of fouling from impacting your valuable data, including; particulates, algae, barnacles, and trapped gasses.

Compact and Accurate
The EXO platform offers a completely new approach – highly accurate, quick-response sensors in a small, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-maintain package. Gone are large and complicated sensor arrangements requiring complex integration.

Smart Probes
All EXO sensors have onboard memory and processing, allowing users to easily calibrate and configure sensors at one location and distribute to various field sites. Smart sensors are auto-recognized from any port of an EXO sonde making sensor payloads interchangeable and completely customizable.

Smart Ports
Wet-mateable connectors allow for swaps in wet conditions, while the smart ports shut down any excessive current draws to prevent damage.

Designed for Use with EXO Multiparameter Sondes

  • EXO2 sonde has 7 ports for the ultimate monitoring platform
  • EXO3 sonde has 5 ports for a lower cost option using the central wiper
  • EXO2s sonde offers the same features as the EXO2, but without the battery compartment
Anti Fouling Yes, with EXO2 Central Wiper
Depth / Pressure Rating / Limit 250 meters
Desktop Software Compatible Kor Software
Equipment used with EXO2 with a Central Wiper installed, and Spacing Kit (599831)
Monitoring Yes
Operating Temperature -5 to 50°C
Parameters Measured Conductivity
Range: 0 to 100 mS/cm
Accuracy: ±1% of the reading or 0.002 mS/cm, whichever is greater
Resolution: 0.0001 to 0.01 mS/cm (range dependent)Specific Conductance
Range: 0 to 100 mS/cm
Accuracy: ±1% of the reading or 0.002 mS/cm, whichever is greater
Resolution: 0.0001 to 0.01 mS/cm (range dependent)

Range: 0 to 70 ppt
Accuracy: ±2% of the reading or 0.2 ppt, whichever is greater
Resolution: 0.01 ppt

Range: -5 to 50°C
Accuracy: ±0.2°C
Resolution: 0.001°C
Response Time: T95<30 seconds

Sampling No
Smart Sensors / Ports Yes
Storage Temperature -20 to 80°C
User Replaceable Yes
Warranty 2 years
Waterproof Yes

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