EXO2s Multiparameter Sonde

EXO2s Multiparameter Water Quality Batteryless Sonde (7 sensor ports including a central wiper port) This equipment is available for rent

  • High-accuracy sensors with on-board memory
  • Wireless communications
  • Seamless integration into marine, estuarine, freshwater and ground water monitoring systems
  • Horizontal profiling where light weight is optimal
  • Smart Sondes and Sensors
  • Extremely versatile instrument, allowing the user to automatically configure a sonde with different sensor for different applications in minutes

The more maneuverable monitoring platform.

We have heard from customers who need the payload and capabilities of YSI’s best-in-class EXO2 sonde, but in spaces and places that can’t accommodate the EXO2. YSI EXO2s (shorty) is a customized, batteryless sonde that comes with the same warranty and capabilities as the EXO2, and is ideal for specialized applications such as:

  • Attachment to an AUV or aerial drone
  • Integration with a buoy
  • Horizontal profiling where light weight is optimal


Tested in a variety of rigorous field conditions as well as lab conditions to ensure accuracy and response times

Monitor without Interruption

No matter which EXO sensors users select, other features of the sensors’ design make them rugged and durable:

  • Wet-mateable connectors resist corrosion
  • Isolated components prevent short circuits
  • Welded housings and double o-rings prevent leaks
  • High-impact plastic and titanium resists breaking
  • Built-in antifouling systems protect data integrity
  • Low power consumption extends underwater deployments

Discover how less size can bring more value
to your science with the following benefits:

EXO2s-Icon-Lighter.png Take off the strain, with a
30% reduction in weight.
EXO2s-Icon-Smaller.png Go new places, with a
33% reduction in length.​
EXO2s-Icon-AUV.png Explore your environment,
with AUV’s or drones.
EXO2s-Icon-Integration.png Expand your integrated system,
and maximize your limited space.
EXO2s-Icon-Batteryless.png Lose the Alkalines,
and save on maintenance.


ISS_Support_Icon.png The EXO sondes are a key component of a complete, unattended long-term water quality monitoring system from our Integrated Systems & Services group.
EXO_University_Icon.png Learning a new water quality platform can be a challenging process. Accelerate through the learning curve with our on-demand training program. Join us at YSI University!

Other EXO Sonde Options

  • EXO1 Sonde (4 ports, optional depth sensor, and battery compartment)
  • EXO1s Sonde (4 ports, optional depth sensor, NO battery compartment)
  • EXO2 Sonde (7 ports including Central Wiper port, and battery compartment)
  • EXO3 sonde (5 ports including Central Wiper port, and battery compartment)
  • EXO3s Sonde (5 ports including Central Wiper port, NO battery compartment)
Memory >1,000,000 logged readings, 512 MB total memory
Software Kor Software
Computer Interface YSIP via USB Signal Output Adapter (SOA) and Bluetooth
Output Options RS-232 & SDI-12 via DCP-SOA; Modbus & RS-485 via Modbus-SOA
Power Requirement 9 – 16 V
Operating Temperature -5 to 50°C (23 to 122°F)
Storage Temperature -20 to 80°C (-4 to 176°F)
Depth Rating 0 to 250 m (0 to 820’)
Sampling Rate Up to 4 Hz
Smart Sensor Ports 7 (6 Sensors + 1 Central Wiper)
Diameter 7.62 cm (3.00”)
Length (with guard) 42.87 cm (16.88”)
Sonde Weight 1.06 kg (2.34 lbs)
Warranty 3 years

EXO2s Spec Sheet

  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • fDOM
  • ISEs (Ammonium, Chloride, and Nitrate)
  • pH (guarded and unguarded)
  • pH & ORP (guarded and unguarded)
  • Rhodamine
  • Total Algae (Chlorophyll + Phycocyanin and Phycoerythrin)
  • Turbidity
  • Absolute Pressure
  • Ammonia
  • Depth
  • DO% Local
  • Guage Pressure
  • nLF Conductivity
  • PAR
  • Resistivity
  • Salinity
  • Specific Conductivity
  • Total Dissolved Solids
  • Total Suspended Solids
  • Water Density

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