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Single Sensors

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Tide Sensor

Pressure, Temperature, Tide pressure, Tide Level
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Cảm biến độ dẫn điện

Conductivity sensor

Compact, fully integrated sensor for measuring water conductivity
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Cảm biến đo sóng và thủy triều

Pressure Based Waves

Measure pressure based Waves with the Aanderaa Wave Sensors- compact fully integrated sensors for measuring wave and tide conditions
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Cảm biến đo sóng đặt trên phao

MOTUS Stand-Alone Sensor

Turn your buoy into an intelligent data-collecting platform with the Aanderaa MOTUS Wave Stand-Alone Sensor
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cảm biến đo oxy hòa tan trong nước

Oxygen Sensors

The Aanderaa Oxygen Optodes were the first to measure dissolved oxygen for years without drift - now it is even more stable! Below you can read more about the oxygen optode working principle
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Sensor đo nhiệt độ

Temperature Sensor

Aanderaa water temperature sensors are compact, intelligent sensors designed for use on Aanderaa's Dataloggers and as stand-alone units.
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sensor đo độ đục trong nước

Turbidity Sensor

The Aanderaa Turbidity Sensors detects infra-red light scattered by particles suspended in water
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cảm biến đo áp suất

Pressure Sensor

Compact, smart pressure sensor
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