Tide Sensor

Pressure, Temperature, Tide pressure, Tide Level

Model: 5217/5217R
Manufacturer: AANDERAA
Made in Nauy

Tide Sensors features:

  • Smart Sensor technology Plug and Play
  • Sensor Calibration coefficients are stored in the sensor
  • Minimal and simple maintenance needs
  • Low current drain
  • Power: 5 to 14VDC, 50mA max
  • Output formats: AiCaP CANbus, RS-232/RS-422,
  • Short update interval: 1 seconds to 255 minutes
  • 2Hz and 4Hz sampling frequency
  • Outputs: Pressure, Temperature, Tide pressure, Tide Level
  • Real-time XML output


  • Measurement range: 400kPa, 1000kPa, 4000kPa,10MPa, 20MPa,40MPa, 60MPa
  • Max operating depth: 30m, 90m, 390m, 1000m, 2000m, 4000m, 6000m


  • Compensate for air pressure
  • Measurement range: 50kPa, 100kPa, 200kPa
  • Max operating depth: 5m, 10m, 20m
The Aanderaa Tide sensors are compact fully integrated sensor for measuring the tide conditions.
Tide Sensors 5217/5217R are compact fully integrated sensors for measuring the tide conditions. The sensor is designed to be mounted on the Aanderaa multiparameter SeaGuard® Platform or via cable connected to SmartGuard datalogger. The standard version has AiCaP CANbus and RS-232 output. R-version has RS-422 output for longer cable length.
The sensor application areas are in fixed installations, either deployed in a seabed installation in shallow waters, or mounted onto a fixed structure in the upper water column. Typical applications for the sensor are measurements of tide in ports and harbors, marine operations, weather forecast, and climate studies.
Sensor versions:
5217/5217R: 0 – 400kPa (58psia) ~30m depth
5217A/5217AR: 0 – 1000kPa (145psia) ~90m depth
5217B/5217BR: 0 – 4000kPa (580psia) ~390m depth
5217C/5217CR: 0 – 10000kPa (1450psia) ~1000m depth
5217D/5217DR: 0 – 20000kPa (2900psia) ~2000m depth
5217E/5217ER: 0 – 40000kPa (5800psia) ~4000m depth
5217F/5217FR: 0 – 60000kPa (8700psia) ~6000m depth
Resolution: <0.0001% FSO
Accuracy: ±0.02% FSO standard
±0.01% FSO on request for sensors
0-10MPa, (requires enhanced
calibration, additional fees apply)
Output parameters:  Pressure in kPa, Pressure raw data in LSB
Sampling rate: 2Hz, 4Hz
Integration time: 10 sec. – 8 min
Tide Parameters: Tide pressure in kPa, Tide level in meter
Range: 0 – 36°C (32 – 96.8˚F)
Resolution: <0.001°C (0.0018°F)
Accuracy: ±0.05°C(0.9°F)1)
Response Time (63%): <10 sec
Temperature parameters: Temperature in °C,
Temperature raw data in LSB
Output format: 5217 version: AiCaP CANbus, RS-232 2)
5217R-version: RS-422 2)
Output interval:  RS232/RS422: 1 sec. – 255 min.
AiCaP: Controlled by data logger
Supply voltage:  5 to 14Vdc
Current drain (@ 9V) 3):
Max.(RS-232/RS-422): 50 mA
Quiescent: 0.4 mA
Average: See table 1
Operating temperature: -5 – +40˚C (23 – 104˚F)
Operating depth:  Within pressure range
Electrical connection:  10-pin receptacle mating plug SP
Pressure connection:  Swagelok™ 1/8 inch
Dimensions: OD:  36 x 86mm (OD:1.4”x3.4”)
Weight:  160g (5.47oz)
Materials:  Titanium, epoxy coating
not included: RS-232 Sensor Cable 47624)/4865 5)
RS-422 Sensor Cable 47634)/4799 5)

1) Requires the use of standard configuration, tide enabled and sampling rate 2Hz.
To obtaine same temperature accuracy with other configurations, contact factory for
special calibration when ordered.
2) 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, Xon/Xoff Flow control 3) With tide disabled. See D362 for Pressure current drain 4) SP Cable with free end for real-time data
5) SP Cable to PC with 9pin D-sub for real-time data

Tide Sensor 5217/5217R


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