Single Water Samplers Ruttner

The classic for limnological water sampling

Based on the design of Prof. Dr. Franz Ruttner our contemporary model is a handy and versatile instrument to take water samples from any desired depth. Due to the simple and practical design of the transparent sampling tube and the closing mechanism the sampler is renown for its reliability for many years.

The Standard Water Sampler (whilst open) is lowered into the water by rope. Upon reaching the desired depth, the messenger activated closing mechanism is released and closes the lids of the sampling tube. A built-in thermometer, ranging from -2° to +30°C, indicates the temperature of the sample. To retrieve the water sample for analyses only the discharge cock at the lower lid has to be opened.

Height 75 cm
Diameter 10 cm
Sample volume 1.0 L ; 2.0 L
Weight on air 5 kg
Material of frame Nickel-plated brass, Plexiglass
product ID
436 132

Manual 436 131




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