IMI-PSI high pressure manometric sorption analyzer

High accuracy gas sorption analyzer, for nanoporous materials characterization

Model: IMI-PSI
Manufacturer: Hiden Isochema


  • Sub-micromole gas sorption resolution
  • 200 bar operation, with 773 K degassing capability
  • Liquid coolant thermostatting, including LN2 for BET analysis
  • Enhanced low pressure measurement accuracy
  • Fully upgradable modular design

The IMI-PSI is specifically designed for the investigation of gas sorption by nanoporous materials, at both low (cryogenic) and elevated temperatures. It allows the  adsorption behaviour of porous solids to be characterized at the temperatures and pressures relevant for gas storage, gas separation and other sorption-based technologies. The  system can also be used to determine the surface area and other pore structure characteristics of nanoporous materials. Operation is available up to 200 bar, and an additional high accuracy 1 bar pressure range is also included as standard.

This provides optimum resolution at the sub-ambient pressure conditions required for the study of gas-solid surface interactions.

Supplied with an immersion reactor and high performance Dewar, the IMI-PSI provides optimal thermal stability at cryogenic temperatures, which is a crucial factor for high  accuracy measurement. The IMIwin software features a range of data fitting functions, including BET analysis for the determination of the specific surface area, and DA and HK analysis for the characterization of the pore size distribution. An automated Dewar refill device is also available, which allows extended periods of operation at cryogenic  temperatures. This option further increases the degree of instrument automation, allowing longer unattended measurement times


  • Optimized for small sample sizes at measurement pressures to 200 bar
  • BET analysis and high pressure sorption over a wide range of temperatures
  • Proven reliability, accuracy and repeatability

Extended pressure sorption analysis system for nanoporous media

  • Porous Material Characterization
  • Specific Surface Area (BET) Determination
  • Pore Size Distribution Calculation
  • (Micro) Porosity and Free Volume Measurement
  • Confined Fluid and Capillary Condensation Analysis


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