IMI – FLOW versalite manometric gas sorption analyzer

Manometric sorption analyzer, with powerful flowing mode operation for gas mixtures

Model: IMI – FLOW
Manufacturer: Hiden Isochema


  • Sub-micromole gas sorption resolution
  • High pressure operation from 77 K to 773 K
  • Automatic switching between manometric and flowing mode operation
  • Versatile control from standard methods to complete user-defined experiments
  • Full integration of mass spectrometers from Hiden’s quadrupole range

The IMI-FLOW combines the manometric gas sorption capabilities of all IMI analyzers with flowing mode operation and integrated mass spectrometry. Manometric mode offers high accuracy isotherm determination to 200 bar, while the flowing mode provides complete control of pressure, composition and flow rate. Integrated mass spectrometry allows downstream gas analysis for TPD and advanced methods.

In the IMI-FLOW, thermal desorption is performed into an inert carrier gas stream and detected using a downstream MFC or an optional integrated quadrupole mass spectrometer. The design of the instrument incorporates a low volume gas pathway for both a rapid response and maximum sensitivity. The addition of a dynamic sampling quadrupole mass spectrometer for evolved gas analysis, combined with multiple flow streams, also allows the 

performance of gas mixture and exchange experiments. The versatile and integrated nature of the IMI-FLOW, which allows direct control of a close-coupled mass spectrometer from the IMIwin software suite, makes it a unique and sophisticated analysis system


  • Unique combination of manometric and quantitative TPD analysis
  • Optimized for small sample sizes under all temperature and pressure conditions
  • Advanced software with complete user programmability

State-of-the-art dynamic flow and thermal desorption system

  • Gas Separation and Purification
  • Breakthrough Curve Determination
  • High Pressure Catalysis and Catalyst Deactivation
  • Isotope Exchange (SSITKA)
  • Temperature Programmed Studies (TPR/TPO/TPD)

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