CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics

Precision measurements, designed for flux and other turbulence research projects

Campbell Scientific’s CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer is an update and replacement to the original CSAT3, and remains the 3-D sonic anemometer of choice for eddy-covariance measurements. It has an aerodynamic design, a 10 cm vertical measurement path, operates in a pulsed acoustic mode, and withstands exposure to harsh weather conditions. Three orthogonal wind components (ux, uy, uz) and the sonic temperature (Ts) are measured and output at a maximum rate of 100 Hz. 

 Measurements can be triggered from three sources: 

    • Data logger SDM command 
    • Data logger CPI command 
    • CSAT3B internal clock 

The SDM and CPI protocols both support mechanisms for synchronizing multiple CSAT3Bs. 


Benefits and Features 

    • New conformal coating helps protect sonic transducers in corrosive environments 
    • Integrated electronics that provide easy mounting of a single piece of hardware 
    • Integrated inclinometer 
    • High-precision measurements ideal for turbulence and eddy-covariance studies 
    • An improved design with a thin, aerodynamic support strut close to the ends of the sensor arms, creating greater rigidity and improved accuracy of sonic temperature 
    • Data logger sampling supported for any frequency between 1 and 100 Hz 
    • New CPI communications for more robust, higher bandwidth measurements 
    • Multiple communication options including SDM, CPI, USB, and RS-485 
    • Internal temperature and humidity measurements with easily replaced desiccant 
    • Version 5 algorithm for calculating data outputs; combines the signal sensitivity of version 3 with the rain performance of version 4 
    • Includes options to filter high frequencies for applications requiring analysis of non-aliased spectra 
Sensor 3-dimensional sonic anemometer
Measurement Description Highest-quality wind speed and direction
Operating Temperature Range -40 to +50°C (equivalent to 305 to 368 m s-1 in speed of sound)
Outputs ux, uy, uz, Ts (ux, uy, uz are wind components referenced to the anemometer axes; Ts is sonic temperature in degrees Celsius.)
Signal Type/Output SDM, CPI, USB, RS-485
Speed of Sound Determined from three acoustic paths. (Corrected for crosswind effects.)
Wind Direction Range 2.5 to 357.5° in CSAT3B coordinate system (0 to 360° customized)
Range ± 65 m s–1 (full-scale wind)
Filter Bandwidths 5, 10, or 25 Hz
Measurement Path Length 10.0 cm (3.9 in.) vertical; 5.8 cm (2.3 in.) horizontal
Transducer Angle from Horizontal 60 degrees
Ingress Protection IP67
Transducer Diameter 0.64 cm (0.25 in.)
Transducer Mounting Arm Diameter 0.84 cm (0.33 in.)
Support Arm Diameter 1.59 cm (0.63 in.)
Anemometer Head Weight 1.45 kg (3.2 lb)
Anemometer Dimensions 60.64 x 12.2 x 43.0 cm (23.87 x 4.8 x 16.9 in.)
Wind Accuracy
-NOTE- Accuracy specifications assume the following:

  • -40° to +50°C operating range
  • Wind speeds < 30 m s-1
  • Wind angles between ±170°
Maximum Offset Error < ±8.0 cm s-1 (ux, uy), < ±4.0 cm s-1 (uz)
Maximum Gain Error
  • < ±2% of reading (wind vector within ±5° of horizontal)
  • < ±3% of reading (wind vector within ±10° of horizontal)
  • < ±6% of reading (wind vector within ±20° of horizontal)
Measurement Resolution
ux, uy 1 mm s-1 rms
uz 0.5 mm s-1 rms
Ts 0.002°C RMS (at 25°C)
Wind Direction < 0.058° (ux = uy ≤ 1 m s-1)
Measurement Rates
Data Logger Triggered 1 to 100 Hz
Unprompted Output (to PC) 10, 20, 50, or 100 Hz
Internal Self-Trigger Rate 100 Hz
Measurement Delay
Data Logger Triggered (no filter) 1 trigger period (1 scan interval)
Unprompted Output (no filter) 10 ms
Filtered Output (data-logger-prompted or unprompted to PC)
  • 795 ms (with 5 Hz bandwidth filter)
  • 395 ms (with 10 Hz bandwidth filter)
  • 155 ms (with 25 Hz bandwidth filter)
Internal Monitor Measurements
Update Rate 2 Hz
Inclinometer Accuracy ±1°
Relative Humidity Accuracy
  • ±3% (over 10 to 90% range)
  • ±7% (over 0 to 10% range)
  • ±7% (over 90 to 100 % range)
Board Temperature Accuracy ±2°C
-NOTE- Used for data-logger-based data acquisition.
Bit Period 10 µs to 1 ms
Cable Length
  • 7.6 m (25 ft) max (@ 10 µs bit period)
  • 76 m (250 ft) max (@ 1 ms bit period)
Address Range 1 to 14
Bus Clocks per Sample ~200
-NOTE- Used for data-logger-based data acquisition.
Baud Rate 50 kbps to 1 Mbps
Cable Length
  • 15 m (50 ft) max (@ 1 Mbps)
  • 122 m (400 ft) max (@ 250 kbps)
  • 853 m (2800 ft) max (@ 50 kbps)
Address Range 1 to 120
Bus Clocks per Sample ~300
-NOTE- Used for configuration or PC-based data acquisition.
Baud Rate 9.6 kbps to 115.2 kbps
Cable Length
  • 305 m (1000 ft) max (@ 115.2 kbps)
  • 610 m (2000 ft) max (@ 9.6 kbps)
Bus Clocks per Sample ~500 (ASCII formatted)
-NOTE- Used for configuration or PC-based data acquisition.
Connection Speed USB 2.0 full speed 12 Mbps
Cable Length 5 m (16.4 ft) maximum
Power Requirements
Voltage Supply 9.5 to 32 Vdc
Current at 10 Hz Measurement Rate
  • 110 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
  • 65 mA (@ 24 Vdc)
Current at 100 Hz Measurement Rate
  • 145 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
  • 80 mA (@ 24 Vdc)


Brochures: CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics


Manuals: CSAT3B Three-Dimensional Sonic Anemometer


Manual: CSAT3B Packing Information


Manual: Recovery of the three-dimensional wind and sonic temperature data from a physically deformed sonic anemometer


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