600LS Water Level Sonde

Precise Level Measurement

Measure level, flow, temperature and conductivity with the compact 600LS sonde. Rugged and waterproof, the YSI 600LS is perfect for tide gauge monitoring, wetlands level applications, ground water, estuaries, rivers, and more.


The YSI 600LS is an economical logging system for long-term, in situ monitoring. It logs at programmable intervals and stores up to 150,000 readings. The 600LS has extreme level accuracy of +0.01 feet (0.003 m) from 0-10 foot depths and +0.06 feet (0.01 m) from 10-30 foot depths. Available with and without conductivity, YSI recommends conductivity when used in saline environments for the most accurate level measurements.

Parameters available on the 600LS:

  • Shallow Vented Level (0-9 m, 0-30 ft)
  • Temperature
  • Conductivity

Adding conductivity provides additional parameters including Resistivity, Salinity, Specific Conductance and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).


  • Fits down 2-inch wells
  • Easily connects to data collection platforms
  • Compatible with the YSI 650 MDS
  • Available batteries for unattended, internal logging applications
  • Compatible with the 650MDS​
Medium Fresh, sea or polluted water
Temperature – Operating -5 to +50°C
Communications RS-232, SDI-12
Software EcoWatch®
Diameter 1.65 in, 4.2 cm
Length (no batteries) 15 in, 38 cm
Weight 1.10 lbs, 0.5 kg
Power – External 12 V DC
Power – Internal (optional) 4 AA-size alkaline batteries


Sensor Specifications Range Resolution Accuracy
Conductivity• 0 to 100 mS/cm 0.001 to 0.1 mS/cm
(range dependent)
±0.5% of reading + 0.001 mS/cm
Salinity 0 to 70 ppt 0.01 ppt ±1% of reading or 0.1 ppt,
whichever is greater
Temperature -5 to +50°C 0.01°C ±0.15°C
Vented Level 0 to 30 ft, 9.1 m 0.001 ft, 0.001 m ±0.01 ft, 0.003 m

Water Monitoring Solutions


Surface Water Capabilities Brochure


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