03002-L Wind Sentry Set

Good, all-purpose wind set

The 03002, manufactured by R. M. Young, measures wind speed and direction with a three-cup anemometer and a wind vane mounted on a small crossarm. It interfaces directly with your Campbell Scientific data loggers, so no signal conditioning is required. 


The 03002 uses a cup wheel assembly to measure wind speed. Rotation of the cup wheel produces an ac sine wave that is directly proportional to wind speed. The frequency of the ac signal is measured by a data logger pulse count channel, then converted to engineering units (mph, m/s, knots). Campbell Scientific’s version uses shielded bearings, which lowers the anemometer’s threshold. 

Wind direction is sensed by a potentiometer. With the precision excitation voltage from the data logger applied to the potentiometer element, the output signal is an analog voltage that is directly proportional to the azimuth angle of the wind direction. 

Benefits and Features 

    • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers 
    • Designed for continuous, long-term, unattended operation in adverse conditions 
    • Small size, simplicity, and rugged construction provide a quality instrument for a modest price 
    • Ideal for wind profile studies 
    • Compatible with the LLAC4 4-channel Low-Level AC-Conversion Module, which increases the number of anemometers one data logger can measure 
    • Campbell Scientific version uses shielded bearings, which lowers the anemometer’s starting threshold 
    • Compatible with the CWS900-series interfaces, allowing it to be used in a wireless sensor network 
Applications  General (Rain with light snow. Little or no riming or blowing sand. No salt spray.) 
Sensor  3-cup anemometer and vane 
Measurement Description  Wind speed and direction 
Operating Temperature Range  -50° to +50°C (assuming non-riming conditions) 
Height  32 cm (12.6 in.) 
Crossarm Length  40 cm (15.7 in.) between instruments (center-to-center) 
Mounting Diameter  34 mm (1.34 in.); mounts on standard 1-in. IPS pipe 

Wind Speed (Anemometer) 

Range  0 to 50 m/s (0 to 112 mph) 
Gust Survival  60 m/s (134 mph) 
Sensor  12-cm diameter cup wheel assembly, 40-mm diameter hemispherical cups 
Accuracy  ±0.5 m/s (1.1 mph) 
Turning Factor  75 cm (2.5 ft ) 
Distance Constant  2.3 m (7.5 ft) 63% recovery 
Starting Threshold  0.5 m/s (1.1 mph) 
Transducer  Stationary coil (1300 ohm nominal resistance) 
Transducer Output  AC sine-wave signal induced by rotating magnet on cup wheel shaft 100 mV peak-to-peak at 60 rpm (6 V peak-to-peak at 3600 rpm) 
Output Frequency  1 cycle per cup wheel revolution (0.75 m/s per Hz) 
Cup Wheel Diameter  12 cm (4.7 in.) 
Weight  113 g (4 oz) 

Wind Direction (Vane) 

Mechanical Range  360° 
Electrical Range  352° (8° open) 
Settling Time  20 ms 
Sensor  Balanced vane; 16 cm turning radius 
Accuracy  ±5° 
Damping Ratio  0.2 
Delay Distance  0.5 m (1.6 ft) 50% recovery 
Starting Threshold 
  • 0.8 m/s (1.8 mph) with 10° displacement 
  • 1.8 m/s (4 mph) with 5° displacement 
  • Precision conductive plastic potentiometer (10 kohm resistance) 
  • 1.0% linearity 
  • Life expectancy is 50 million revolutions. 
  • Rated 1 W at 40°C, 0 W at 125°C. 
Transducer Excitation  Requires regulated dc voltage. (15 Vdc maximum) 
Transducer Output  Analog dc voltage proportional to wind direction angle with regulated excitation voltage supplied by the data logger 
Vane Length  22 cm (8.7 in.) 
Weight  170 g (6 oz) 

03002-L Wind Sentry Set


03002 Wind Sentry Set and 03101 Wind Sentry Anemometer


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