024A-L Wind Direction Sensor

Reliable, Accurate Wind Direction

The 024A, manufactured by Met One, is a wind vane that measures wind direction only. You can use it in tandem with the 014A Wind Speed Sensor; however, this combination has been largely replaced by the 034B, which monitors both wind speed and wind direction. 


The 024A Wind Vane measures wind direction from 0 to 360 degrees with a 5 degree accuracy specification. Wind direction is sensed with a 10 kohm potentiometer. With the precision excitation voltage from the data logger applied to the potentiometer element, the output signal is an analog voltage that is directly proportional to the azimuth of the wind direction. 

Sensor  Vane 
Measurement Description  Wind direction 
Operating Range  0 to 360° 
Threshold  0.45 m s-1 (1.0 mph) 
Accuracy  ±5° 
Operating Temperature Range  -50° to +70°C (assumes non-riming conditions) 
Delay Distance  < 1.5 m (5 ft) 
Damping Ratio 
  • 0.25 (standard) 
  • 0.4 (optional fast response) 
Resolution  0.5° 
Height  33.8 cm (13.3 in.) 
Length  44.7 cm (17.6 in.) 
Vane Height  30.5 cm (12 in.) 
Vane Width  7.6 cm (3 in.) 
Weight  450 g (1 lb) 


Sand, Dust, and Fungus  MIL-E-5272 
Salt Spray  MIL-E-12934 
Resistance  0 to 10 kΩ 


024A Met One Wind Direction Sensor


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