020C-L Wind Direction Sensor

Provides Research-Grade Accuracy and Precision

The 020C, manufactured by Met One, measures wind direction with research-grade accuracy and precision. The 020C is commonly used with the WMS100 for wind-farm power performance measurements. The 020C is especially suited to your applications that require a low starting threshold, a high damping ratio, or a short delay distance. 


The lightweight, airfoil vane is directly coupled to a single precision microtorque potentiometer. The built-in electronics provide a voltage source for the potentiometer and amplifies the output signal for transmission over long cable lengths. 

The vane assembly is easily installed or replaced without requiring recalibration. All sensor components are constructed with stainless steel and anodized aluminum. 

Sensor  Airfoil vane 
Measurement Description  Wind direction 
Measurement  Potentiometer (half bridge) 
Electrical Range  0° to 357° 
Mechanical Range  0° to 360° 
Measurement Threshold  0.5 mph 
Measurement Linearity  ± 0.5% of full scale 
Accuracy  ±3° 
Damping Ratio  0.4 
Delay Distance  < 91 cm (3 ft) 
Operating Temperature Range  -50° to +85°C (-58° to +185°F) 
Output  0 to 5 Vdc for 0 to 360° (0 to 2.5 Vdc optional) 
Output Impedance  100 Ω maximum 
Finish  Anodized aluminum 
Maximum Cable Length  91.44 m (300 ft) 
Weight  0.68 kg (1.5 lb) 

Power Requirements 

Sensor Source  12 Vdc 
Sensor Load  10 mA 
Heater Source  12 Vdc 
Heater Load  350 mA 


020C Wind-Direction Sensor


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