The SR05 measures solar radiation received by a plane surface, in W/m², from a 180° field of view angle with a high-quality blackened thermopile protected by a glass dome. The blackened thermopile provides a flat spectral response for the full solar spectrum range, which allows the SR05 to be used under plant canopies or lamps, when the sky is cloudy, and for reflected radiation measurements.
The SR05 produces two different outputs that are measured directly by a Campbell Scientific data logger: a 0 to 1000 mV signal and a Modbus over RS-485 signal.
Benefits and Features
- Industry-standard analog and digital outputs for easy implementation and servicing
- Affordable second class pyranometer, suitable for large networks
- Employs a thermopile sensor with black-coated surface, one dome, and an anodized aluminum body with visible bubble level
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