The SI-111SS consists of a thermopile, which measures surface temperature, and a thermistor, which measures sensor body temperature. The two temperature sensors are housed in a rugged aluminum body that contains a germanium window.
Both the thermopile and the thermistor output a millivolt signal that most of our data loggers can measure. The data logger uses the Stefan-Boltzman equation to correct for the effect of sensor body temperature on the target temperature. The corrected readings yield an absolute accuracy of ±0.2°C from -10° to +65°C.
Field of View (FOV)
The SI-111SS has a 22-degree half-angle field-of-view (FOV). The FOV is reported as the half-angle of the apex of the cone formed by the target (cone base) and the detector (cone apex). The target is a circle from which 98% of the radiation viewed by the detector is being emitted.
Benefits and Features
- Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
- Measures surface temperature continuously in the field
- Provides road surface, plant canopy, soil surface, snow surface, and water surface temperature measurements
- Avoids influencing the temperature, providing more accurate measurements
- Ideal for providing spatial averages
- Rugged construction—two temperature probes housed in an aluminum body with a germanium window
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