MS-80-L Class A Pyranometer

The MS-80, manufactured by EKO Instruments, is an innovative, next-generation ISO 9060 Class A spectrally flat and fast-response (secondary standard) pyranometer inspired by the combination of latest technologies and state-of-the-art thermopile sensor with an unprecedented low zero-offset behavior; fast sensor response; and a five-year warranty and recalibration interval.

The MS-80 features a compact design with internal desiccation, single dome, isolated thermopile detector, quartz diffusor, immunity to offsets, ultra-low temperature dependency, and exceptional non-linearity characteristics. EKO instruments is the only ISO 17025 accredited pyranometer manufacturer in the world, enabling highest-quality calibration, compliant to international standards (ISO/IEC 17025/9847).

For a similar pyranometer with RS-485 Modbus communication, refer to the MS-80M.

Benefits and Features

    • ISO 9060 Class A spectrally flat and fast-response (secondary standard)
    • Exceptional stability, offset immunity, temperature dependency, and non-linearity
    • ISO 17025 certified calibration
    • Five-year warranty and recalibration interval
Sensor Internal desiccation, single-dome, isolated thermopile detector, quartz diffusor
Measurement Description Monitors solar radiation for the full solar spectrum range
ISO Classification
  • ISO 9060 Class A spectrally flat and fast-response pyranometer (secondary standard)
  • ISO 17025 Class A pyranometer
Output Analog (mV)
Sensitivity ~10 µV/W/m2
Impedance < 45000 Ω
Response Time < 1 s (95%)
Zero Offset A < 1 W/m2 (response to 200 W/m2 net thermal radiation)
Zero Offset B ±1 W/m2 (response to 5 K/h change in ambient temperature)
Non-Stability ±0.5% change per 5 years
Non-Linearity ±0.2% (at 1000 W/m2)
Directional Response ±10 W/m2 (at 1000 W/m2)
Spectral Selectivity ±3% (0.35 to 1.5 μm)
Temperature Response
  • < 0.8% (-10° to +40°C)
  • < 1% (-20° to +50°C)
Tilt Response < ±0.2% (0 to 90° at 1000 W/m2)
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +80°C
Irradiance Range 0 to 4000 W/m2
Spectral Range 285 to 3000 nm
Ingress Protection IP67

Brochures: MS-80-L Class A Pyranometer


Manuals: MS-80 Secondary Standard Pyranometer


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