Vaisala Lidar Ceilometer CL61 is a high-performance light detection and ranging (LiDAR) instrument with depolarization measurement capable of unattended operation 24/7 in all conditions. The depolarization measurement enables dierentiation between solid, liquid, or mixed-phase clouds and precipitation, providing ready-to-use information for atmospheric characterization.
Improved decision-making with more detailed view of atmospheric conditions
CL61 uses attenuated backscatter profiles measured in 2 polarization directions to calculate the depolarization ratio. The depolarization measurement not only enables the liquid/solid differentiation, but also makes it possible to detect dust and volcanic ash. To further enhance atmospheric structure reporting, CL61 has an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The improved high-resolution attenuated backscatter profiling is available for the full range, up to 15.4 km (9.6 mi). With these enhanced features and BL‑View software, you also get a detailed view of atmospheric conditions within the planetary boundary layer, for example, for air quality forecasting.
Lidar technology
Vaisala has – already since the 1980s – a strong experience in lidar technology, which CL61 uses. There is an installed base of thousands of Vaisala ceilometers worldwide.
Vaisala’s unique single-lens technology provides reliable measurements in low altitudes.
The new patented transmitter technology in CL61 minimizes the effect of water vapor absorption.
Single-receiver depolarization measurement does not require field calibration.
Portable and versatile data
Measurement data is available in the universal and accessible netCDF format, making data sharing easy with colleagues and other users. The system is able to internally buffer data to smooth out brief communication inconsistencies. Data is labeled with time, based on a clock synced using Network Time Protocol.
Easy installation and maintenance
CL61 is a compact and eye-safe lidar ceilometer with modern communication and network capabilities. The modular structure enables safe and easy installation by 1 person.
The product has low maintenance requirements, with extensive selfdiagnostics and embedded fault analysis minimizing downtime. Remote Ethernet access reduces the need for site visits and interruption of measurement data flow. These benefits contribute to overall low cost of ownership. Integrated security software keeps your instrument and data safe.
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