1030S Solids Analysis Module

Combusts Solid Materials for Analysis of Total Carbon Content

SKU: 326917
Manufacturer: OI Analytical


  • Combusts solid materials soils, sludge, slurries, and powders for TC and TOC analysis
  • Interfaces with Aurora 1030 TOC analyzer allowing analysis of both solid and liquid samples using a single instrument
  • Gas sampling device (patent pending) collects carbon dioxide (CO2) from sample combustion for quantitation and analysis of intra-sample replicates
  • Compact vertical design saves laboratory bench space

Smartly designed, the compact instrument saves bench space while it is hard at work combusting solid materials, soils, sludge, slurries, and powders for TC and TOC analysis.

Principle of Operation

Total organic carbon (TOC) is determined by manually transferring and weighing a solid sample into a quartz sample cup. The total inorganic carbon (TIC) content is removed from the sample by adding acid and heating to drive off CO2 released from inorganic carbon compounds. In the case of total carbon (TC) analysis, the pre-acidification step to remove TIC content is not required.

The sample cup with the TIC-free sample is placed on the lift mechanism and raised into the combustion tube of the 1030S. The sample is heated to 500° – 900 °C inside the furnace. Organic matter in the sample is oxidized and converted to CO2 which is collected in a one liter capacity gas sampling bag. When the combustion cycle is complete an aliquot of the CO2 sample gas is transferred to the NDIR detector in the Aurora 1030 analyzer for measurement of the mass of carbon in the sample.


Operating Principle Catalytic combustion in oxygen
Sample Combustion Temperature 500 ˚C – 900 ˚C (in 1 ˚C increments)
Operating Modes TC, TOC (requires pre-acidification and TIC bakeout)
Detection/Measurement Non-dispersive infrared detector in Aurora
1030 TOC Analyzer
Measurement Range 0.05–mg C to 50-mg C (*determined using graphite)
Measurement Accuracy + 10%
Sample Size (Mass) 50 µg to 2 grams (maximum) dependent upon carbon content
(10 to 100 mg typical)
Sample Cup Volume Large: 2.5 mL        Small: 1.0mL
Gas Sample Bag Volume 1 liter
Gas Replicates from Sample Bag 5 maximum
Gas Sample Aliquot Volume Range (1030S + 1030W) 1 to 9 mL
Gas Sample Aliquot Volume Range (1030S + 1030C) 0.25 to 2 mL
Intra-sample Precision (Replicates from Gas Sample Bag) < 3% RSD
Inter-sample Precision < 10% RSD
Calibration Single- or multi-point calibration (up to 12 points)
Sample Combustion/Analysis Cycle Time 14 minutes (typical)
Sample Preparation TIC removal via preliminary manual, offline sample acidification
step and heating @ 75-500 ˚C (250 ˚C optimal)
Standard Method Compliance SW 846 Method 9060A, ISO 10694:1995, ASTM E1915
Certifications – Safety Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) IEC–61010-1:2001
Certifications – EMI Directive 89/336/EEC:1989, EN61326-1:2006
CISPR 11:2003 Conducted Emissions
CISPR 11:2003 Radiated Emissions
Gas Requirements Reaction/Carrier Gas: Oxygen > 99.8% purity, 20 psi (138 kPa)
Power Requirements 115 (±10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA
230 (±10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA
Power Consumption 480 VA under maximum load conditions
Dimensions 24 in. H x 8.125 in. W x 17.25 in D
(61 cm x 20.6 cm x 43.8 cm)
Weight 24 lbs (10.8 kg)
Patents U.S. Patent No. 8,191,437

*Sample introduction, sample homogeneity, sample container cleanliness, reagent purity, gas purity, and operator skill affect
the analysis range and precision.

1030S TOC Solids Module


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