Reecotech participates in the “Conference on Dissemination and Popularization of Policies and Laws on Efficient, Safe, and Energy-Saving Usage.”

This morning, on April 2nd, the Department of Industry and Trade of Ca Mau Province, in collaboration with the Promotion Center, organized a conference to disseminate and promote policies and laws regarding the efficient, safe, and economical use of energy at the Conference Hall of the Department of Industry and Trade of Ca Mau Province.

The conference attracted more than 200 delegates, including leaders from provincial departments, committees, and sectors; businesses, production facilities, and energy users within the province; industrial shrimp farming households in the province; and media agencies.

Hội nghị tại Cà Mau
Delegates participating in the conference disseminated and promoted policies and laws regarding the efficient, safe, and economical use of energy.

As part of the conference, Reecotech introduced the solution “Continuous Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Monitoring – Automatic Control of Water Aeration Fan in Shrimp Ponds to Reduce Electricity Costs.” This solution applies modern technology to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration in shrimp ponds and automatically control the operation of water aeration fans, ensuring sufficient oxygen supply for shrimp while saving electricity effectively.

  • Continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen concentration in shrimp ponds helps farmers proactively adjust the oxygen level as needed. Automatic control of water aeration fans helps reduce electricity consumption for oxygen supply devices by up to 30%.
  • Using durable optical sensor technology with fast response times, it will be used to continuously monitor DO levels at a location in the pond where DO levels are expected to be lowest.
  • DO levels in ponds are continuously updated in real-time on computer screens (or smartphone apps, optional), allowing shrimp farmers to monitor ponds continuously, easily, and take timely action when DO levels drop below requirements. T
  • hrough control relays, the system automatically turns on machines when DO levels drop below 4 mg/l and automatically turns off machines when DO levels exceed 4 mg/l (or a DO level set according to customer requirements). Increasing shrimp farming efficiency, minimizing risks, and enhancing productivity.

Let’s take a look at Reecotech’s activities at this conference:

Giang hàng trưng bày sản phẩm + giải pháp của Reeco tại Hội nghị
Delegates expressed interest in Reecotech’s dissolved oxygen monitoring solution.
Giang hàng trưng bày sản phẩm + giải pháp của Reeco tại Hội nghị
Reeco’s product and solution exhibition booth at the conference.
A representative from Reecotech shared the solution “Continuous Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Monitoring – Automatic Control of Water Aeration Fans for Shrimp Ponds to Reduce Electricity Costs.”

Contact Reecotech for free consultation!



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