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About Open-Path Eddy-Covariance Systems

Campbell Scientific offers low-power open-path eddy-covariance systems that are unmatched in the level of analyzer and sonic anemometer system integration. The sensors are designed to minimize or eliminate spatial separation and have fully synchronized sampling, thereby reducing uncertainties in EC fluxes. The EasyFlux-DL datalogger program minimizes necessary data post-processing by applying standard corrections to output fully processed fluxes, which can then easily be transmitted in real-time to a base station, PC, or other server


Thiết bị đo khí quang học đa thông số tích hợp CO2, H2O và đo gió 3D

IRGASON – Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer

Campbell Scientific’s IRGASON® fully integrates the open-path analyzer and sonic anemometer. Designed specifically for eddy-covariance carbon and water flux measurements, the patented design is easier to install and use than separate sensors and provides increased measurement accuracy. The IRGASON simultaneously measures absolute carbon dioxide and water vapor, air temperature, barometric pressure, three-dimensional wind speed, and sonic air temperature. U.S. patent D680455 

Cảm biến đo gió siêu âm 3D

CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics

Campbell Scientific’s CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer is an update and replacement to the original CSAT3, and remains the 3-D sonic anemometer of choice for eddy-covariance measurements. It has an aerodynamic design, a 10 cm vertical measurement path, operates in a pulsed acoustic mode, and withstands exposure to harsh weather conditions. Three orthogonal wind components (ux, uy, uz) and the sonic temperature (Ts) are measured and output at a maximum rate of 100 Hz. 

 Measurements can be triggered from three sources: 

    • Data logger SDM command 
    • Data logger CPI command 
    • CSAT3B internal clock 

The SDM and CPI protocols both support mechanisms for synchronizing multiple CSAT3Bs. 

Cảm biến đo gió siêu âm 3D

CSAT3BH Heated, 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics

The CSAT3BH is ideal for stations that are deployed in cold climates. The easy-to-use CSAT3BH sonic anemometer features smart heating that delivers just the right amount of heat to keep the instrument free of ice and snow, enabling continuous and reliable measurements in cold environments. The CSAT3BH is designed to prevent ice accumulation on the sensor, avoiding prolonged periods of data loss. 

The CSAT3BH features variable power, only delivering power when needed—as opposed to the common method of providing two-way heating (on/off). Moreover, there are real-time data flags when the heaters are turned on, which is crucial to post-processing your data files. 

The CSAT3BH is a heated version of the CSAT3B 3-D Sonic Anemometer with Integrated Electronics. The specifications of the CSAT3BH are the same as the CSAT3B with regard to wind measurements. 

Phần mềm EasyFlux WebH

EasyFlux WebH Software

EasyFlux® Web CSI-Hosted is a web-based software tool for monitoring any Campbell Scientific data-logger-based system. EasyFlux Web CSI-Hosted is hosted on Campbell Scientific's own Microsoft Azure server, which allows for automatic updates and maintenance of the software. After users create an account, they are given their own IP address to allow them to easily connect to their data from an Internet-connected device. Monitoring a network of data loggers is made easy with real-time data monitoring, customizable alerts, and data download capabilities. EasyFlux Web is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data-logger-based systems, including flux, weather, and soil stations. 

Updates in Version 2.01 

The updated EasyFlux Web 2.01 includes new benefits and features to enhance the user experience. EasyFlux Web 2.01 now provides the ability to monitor live video cameras. 

Bộ ghi đo tự động Datalogger CR6

CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform

The CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform, designed on decades of infrastructure and environmental monitoring experience, is used by some of the largest monitoring networks worldwide. With the unique ability to serve both as an edge device and gateway, this simplifies networks that would otherwise require discrete devices to provide complete access to your data.

This unique platform is used where reliability, flexibility, and compatibility are essential to your success. The CR6 ecosystem supports an array of powerful peripherals that add channel capacity, distributed measurements, and communication capabilities, as well as measure vibrating wire sensors dynamically.

Campbell Scientific’s vibrating wire measurement devices, including the CR6, are the only devices that use patented VSPECT® technology. VSPECT filters external noise from your sensor and gives you diagnostic information about the quality of your vibrating wire

Cảm biến đo lưu lượng nhiệt đất HFP01

HFP01-L Soil Heat Flux Plate

The HFP01, manufactured by Hukseflux, measures soil heat flux, typically for energy-balance or Bowen-ratio flux systems. It outputs a voltage signal that is proportional to the heat flux of the surrounding medium. At least two sensors are required for each site to provide spatial averaging. Sites with heterogeneous media may require additional sensors 

Thiết bị phân tích khí CO2/H2O đường dẫn mở EC150

EC150 CO2/H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer

Campbell Scientific’s EC150 is an open-path analyzer specifically designed for eddy-covariance carbon and water flux measurements. As a stand-alone analyzer, it simultaneously measures absolute carbon-dioxide and water-vapor densities, air temperature, and barometric pressure. With the optional CSAT3A sonic anemometer head, three-dimensional wind speed and sonic air temperature are measured. 

Cảm biến gió siêu âm CSAT3A

CSAT3A 3-D Sonic Anemometer

The CSAT3A 3-D Sonic Anemometer is the 3-D sonic anemometer of choice for eddy-covariance measurements. It has an aerodynamic design, a 10 cm vertical measurement path, operates in a pulsed acoustic mode, and withstands exposure to harsh weather conditions. Three orthogonal wind components (ux, uy, uz) and the speed of sound (c) are measured and output at a maximum rate of 50 Hz. The CSAT3A head is operated by the EC100 electronics, which also control either an EC150 or EC155 gas analyzer.  Measurements can be triggered from two sources: 
    • Data logger’s SDM command 
    • EC100’s internal clock 
The SDM protocol supports a group trigger for synchronizing multiple CSAT3As. 
Cảm biến đo lưu lượng nhiệt độ của đất HFP01SC-L

HFP01SC-L Self-Calibrating Soil Heat Flux Plate

The HFP01SC, manufactured by Hukseflux, measures soil heat flux—typically for energy-balance or Bowen-ratio flux systems. It is intended for applications requiring the highest possible degree of measurement accuracy. The HFP01SC outputs a voltage signal that is proportional to the heat flux of the surrounding medium. At least two sensors are required for each site to provide spatial averaging. Sites with heterogeneous media may require additional sensors. 

Phần mềm EasyFlux WebS

EasyFlux WebS Software

Current Version: 2.01 

EasyFlux® Web Self-Hosted is a web-based software tool for monitoring any Campbell Scientific data-logger-based system, including data loggers running EasyFlux® DL. EasyFlux® Web Self-Hosted is a user-installed version of EasyFlux® Web that allows users the ability to install on their own server and control updates of the software themselves. Monitoring a network of Campbell Scientific data-logger-based systems is made easy with real-time data monitoring, customizable alerts, and data download capabilities. EasyFlux® Web is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data-logger-based stations. 

Updates in Version 2.01 

The updated EasyFlux® Web 2.01 includes new benefits and features to enhance the user experience. EasyFlux® Web 2.01 now provides the ability to monitor live video cameras. 

EasyFlux PC

EasyFlux PC Eddy-Covariance Post-Processing PC Software

EasyFlux® PC is a free computer program that processes high frequency time series data, collected using a Campbell Scientific eddy-covariance flux system, into fluxes following community accepted practices. Fully corrected fluxes of CO2, latent heat (H2O), sensible heat, and momentum are available in generic, AmeriFlux, and GHG-Europe ASCII formats. 

EasyFlux DL Eddy-Covariance Datalogger Program

EasyFlux DL Eddy-Covariance Datalogger Program

EasyFlux® DL is a free CRBasic program that enables a data logger to report fully corrected fluxes of CO2, latent heat (H2O), sensible heat, and momentum from a Campbell Scientific open-path and closed-path eddy-covariance (EC) system. Final fluxes are processed from raw high frequency time series data by applying commonly used corrections found in scientific literature. 

In the past, Campbell Scientific's data logger EC programs roughly estimated fluxes, and PC post-processing software was used to fully correct the flux measurements. Now with the EasyFlux® DL program, fully corrected fluxes are processed by the data logger and reported at the end of each EC averaging interval. 

EasyFlux® DL has been tested at several stations in various environments, including irrigated alfalfa, grassland, maize, open water, forest, and desert. The results have shown good agreement with fluxes processed using traditional PC-based software applications. 

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