robot khảo sát dưới nước

Underwater construction and infrastructure survey by ROVs

REECO Science and Technology Co., Ltd. provides underwater survey and exploration services using remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), which can survey areas with restricted spaces or dangerous conditions that are difficult for humans to access.

With over 10 years of experience, Reecotech has provided services to a variety of clients in different industries, including:

  • Underground pipeline surveys
  • Bridge and culvert surveys
  • Dam and reservoir surveys
  • Oil and gas equipment surveys
  • Ship hull and mooring system surveys
  • Support for search and rescue operations in accidents
  • Security and monitoring of docks and ports



ROVs are remotely operated, which helps to reduce the risk to humans working underwater. Divers can face many dangers when working underwater, such as lack of oxygen, high pressure, strong currents, etc.
ROVs help to eliminate these dangers, making surveys safer and more efficient.


ROVs can operate in a variety of environmental conditions, including deep, dark, or obstructed waters.
ROVs can also carry a variety of measuring and analytical devices, which helps to collect more accurate and complete data.


ROVs can replace divers, which can save on labor costs.
In addition, ROVs can operate continuously 24/7, which can shorten survey time and increase productivity.
Khảo sát công trình và cơ sở hạ tầng dưới nước

Primary devices

Offshore and Shipping Survey by ROV Robot

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Pipeline Survey by Robot ROV

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Surveying reservoirs and hydroelectric dams by ROV Robot

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Underwater Survey by Robot ROV

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Other solutions

Support security, investigation, reconnaissance and rescue work

Remotely controlled to perform underwater tasks, bringing many benefits to security, investigation, and rescue work.
ROVs giám sát các khu vực ven biển

Support security, investigation, reconnaissance and rescue work

Underwater ecosystem survey, training and scientific research

A device that can record, photograph, collect samples, and perform measurements underwater.
khảo sát rovs dưới nước

Underwater ecosystem survey, training and scientific research

Underwater construction and infrastructure survey by ROVs

Access and survey areas with restricted space or hazardous conditions that are difficult for humans to access.
Khảo sát công trình và cơ sở hạ tầng dưới nước

Underwater construction and infrastructure survey by ROVs

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