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Breakthrough Curves
Toxic & Corrosives
High Pressure TGA
Gas Sorption
Vapor Sorption
Mixed Gas Sorption
Dynamic Vapor Sorption
Gas Sorption
Xemis-002 Next Generation Pure Gas and Vapor Sorption Analyzer
High resolution gas & vapor sorption analyzer, with next generation microbalance design for high pressure & corrosive capability
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XEMIS-001 Next generation pure gas gravimetric sorption analyzer
Advanced gas sorption analyzer, with next generation microbalance design for high pressure & corrosive capability
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IGA-003 dynamic mixed gas sorption analyzer
High accuracy gravimetric analyzer, with combined pressure and flow control for precise characterization of thermodynamics and kinetics
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IMI-HTP high accuracy hydrogen storage analyzer
Manometric hydrogen sorption analyzer, for investigation of novel storage materials
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IMI-PSI high pressure manometric sorption analyzer
High accuracy gas sorption analyzer, for nanoporous materials characterization
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IMI – FLOW versalite manometric gas sorption analyzer
Manometric sorption analyzer, with powerful flowing mode operation for gas mixtures
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IGA- 100 gravimetric gas sorption analyzer
Advanced gravimetric sorption analyzer, for high resolution gas & vapor sorption combined with high pressure TGA
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IGA- 002 gravimetric gas sorption analyzer
Single component gravimetric analyzer, for precise characterization of gas & vapor sorption equilibria & kinetics
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IGA-001 gravimetric gas sorption analyzer
High accuracy gravimetric sorption analyzer, for precise characterization of gas sorptions equilibria & kinetics
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