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REECO Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd. is proud to be a leading provider of Hydrographic and Environmental Quality Monitoring solutions, offering solutions to help marine farmers increase the efficiency of their production and business operations, meet export standards, and minimize damage in the event of environmental accidents:

    • Continuous water quality and hydrographic monitoring solutions with online data transmission
    • Water quality monitoring and automatic feeding solutions for live fish transport
    • Cage and net inspection solutions using shore-controlled underwater robots – VideoRay ROV
Measurement parameters: waves, currents, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), salinity and temperature, suspended solids, turbidity, algae, etc.


In recent years, the marine farming industry in Vietnam has rapidly developed in both scale and output, bringing high economic value. Marine farming primarily utilizes open cage systems, where the farming environment is the natural environment. Therefore, environmental factors directly influence and largely determine the success of production and business activities. Besides selecting high-quality farming areas suitable for the species being farmed, it is essential to invest in and apply scientific and technological solutions in monitoring and supervising water quality and hydrological parameters in marine farming.

Factors such as waves, currents, dissolved oxygen levels, salinity, temperature, and suspended solids need continuous monitoring. This helps investors and managers make timely and accurate decisions, minimizing risks caused by environmental impacts, especially amid the current complex situation of environmental pollution and climate change. Furthermore, the application of high technology in monitoring the marine farming environment increases the value of the final product and meets the import standards of markets such as the USA, Japan, and the EU.

Water quality monitoring solution and hydrological and marine parameters by water layer in marine aquaculture
Water quality monitoring solution and hydrological and marine parameters by water layer in marine aquaculture

REECO Science and Technology Co., Ltd. ( is proud to be a leading company in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental quality monitoring, providing solutions to help marine farmers improve business efficiency, meet export standards, and minimize losses in case of environmental incidents:

    • Solutions for continuous monitoring of water quality and hydrometeorological parameters with online data transmission;
    • Solutions for water quality monitoring and automatic feeding during live fish transportation;
    • Solutions for surveying and inspecting cages with remotely controlled underwater robots – VideoRay ROV.

For marine fish farming cages, REECO provides measurement solutions on mooring lines or installs on floating buoys with simple designs. This allows the measurement of parameters such as flow, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, etc., at different water levels. Oxygen depletion due to pollution often occurs at the bottom layer first, which farmers cannot detect. By the time it affects the surface water and causes livestock deaths, it is too late to respond. Therefore, placing sensors at different water levels helps farmers detect early changes in the water environment and take timely measures.

For onshore ponds, tanks, or transport vehicle tanks, REECO provides solutions with sensors directly placed in the tanks, transmitting data wirelessly, allowing users to access it at any time via computer or mobile application. The system can also integrate functions such as feeding and alerting when parameters exceed permissible thresholds.

Giải pháp giám sát chất lượng nước và cho ăn tự động trong bể nuôi và vận chuyển cá sống
Solution for water quality monitoring and automatic feeding in live fish tanks and transportation

As soon as signs of water pollution (if any) begin to appear, farmers can promptly address the issue by relocating the cages, changing the water in the tanks, inspecting for diseases, and using medication early on… Besides continuous monitoring, the system also records data throughout the measurement period, providing an overview of the seasonal changes in water quality. Combined with their own experience, farmers can make accurate decisions on when to start farming, the best time for breeding, and when not to overstock.

Evaluating the condition of cages and mooring lines using diving robots instead of humans is gradually becoming common, ensuring safety, cost savings, early detection of problems, and minimizing risks for farmers.

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Agriculture and Soils Research Instrumentation

Hệ thống đo lường, nghiên cứu môi trường cho ứng dụng nông nghiệp và đất đai

Agriculture and Soils Research Instrumentation

Air Quality and Pollution Instrumentation

High-performance monitoring systems designed to work when human lives are at risk
Hệ thống đo chất lượng không khí

Air Quality and Pollution Instrumentation

Alpine Automated Weather Instrumentation

Trusted high-performance automated weather stations designed to work in the harshest conditions on earth
Hệ thống Trạm Khí tượng Tự động Vùng Núi Cao 

Alpine Automated Weather Instrumentation

Atmospheric Profile Systems

Profile Khí quyển

Atmospheric Profile Systems

Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and Meteorologic Instruments

Trạm Khí tượng Tự động (AWS) và thiết bị khí tượng

Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and Meteorologic Instruments

Monitoring station warns of saltwater intrusion

A system that helps people and local authorities proactively respond to saltwater intrusion, protect domestic water sources and agricultural production.
Hệ thống trạm quan trắc cảnh báo xâm nhập mặn

Monitoring station warns of saltwater intrusion

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