Saigon Petro Port commissions the BAS system for real-time monitoring of vessel berthing

Recently, Saigon Petro Port in Ho Chi Minh City successfully completed the installation and commissioning of the Berthing Aid System (BAS), implemented by Reecotech. This system enables the port to accommodate and operate larger vessels while providing real-time monitoring and management of the entire berthing process, ensuring safe and efficient port operations.

Lắp đặt và đưa vào sử dụng hệ thống quan trắc tàu cập cảng tại cảng Saigon Petro
Install and put into use the ship docking monitoring system at Saigon Petro port

Real-time data on vessel berthing speed and the distance between the vessel and the berth (measured by laser sensors) are continuously provided in a visualized format. The continuous implementation of berthing monitoring maximizes support for port operation management.

Vận hành hệ thống hỗ trợ tàu cập cảng BAS (Berthing Aid System)
Operate the ship docking support system BAS (Berthing Aid System)

The implementation of the monitoring system enhances the port’s efficiency and accuracy in navigating large vessels during entry and departure. This ensures the safety of berth structures while increasing the port’s capacity for vessel reception and cargo operations, especially as the frequency of international vessel arrivals continues to rise.

Các thông số về tốc độ tàu cập bến, khoảng cách giữa tàu với bến hiển thị trực quan trên website
Parameters about train arrival speed and distance between train and station are displayed visually on the website

With a commitment to integrating advanced technology into port operations, Reecotech continues to enhance research and deployment of modern solutions, contributing to improving vessel reception capacity, ensuring safety, and optimizing efficiency in maritime transportation in Vietnam.


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