Online Gas chromatography systems

Online gas chromatography in ambient air monitoring / aqms

To meet the requirements of European and US EPA regulations for continuous air quality monitoring, Chromatotec has developed automated gas chromatography systems to analyze BTX, sulfur compounds and VOCs in urban areas to ensure compliance and improve air quality. In addition, Chromatotec also offers an EPA-approved all-in-one analysis solution for accurate VOC analysis to meet on-site monitoring standards.
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Online gas chromatography in ambient air monitoring / aqms

Online gas chromatography in Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) application

Chromatotec's gas chromatography system is used in Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) to accurately monitor and analyze the components of industrial plant emissions. It is suitable for both safe and hazardous areas, ensuring operator safety.
Hệ thống quan trắc giám sát khí thải tự động, liên tục (CEMS)

Online gas chromatography in Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) application

Online gas chromatography in Natural gases, biogas, LPG application

With the ability to accurately analyze at very low concentrations (ppm and ppb), the Chromatotec Gas Chromatography System supports effective odor control and deodorization, ensuring product safety and quality in the energy industry.
Natural gases, biogas, LPG

Online gas chromatography in Natural gases, biogas, LPG application

Online gas chromatography in pure gases / gas manufacturers and corrosive

Chromatotec’s analyzers ensure high-quality gas control in the U.H.P. and Specialties industries. In the medical sector, their moisture monitor, DET H2O, precisely detects moisture in medical and pure gases as per European Pharmacopoeia standards.
Gas Manufacturers and corrosive

Online gas chromatography in pure gases / gas manufacturers and corrosive

Online gas chromatography in industrial air application

Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique widely used in industrial production with diverse applications in many chemical, food, oil and gas, environmental industries... including: Material analysis , inspect products, monitor production processes...
sắc ký khí tự động

Online gas chromatography in industrial air application

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