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  • Lắp đặt và đưa vào sử dụng hệ thống quan trắc tàu cập cảng tại cảng Saigon Petro

    Saigon Petro Port commissions the BAS system for real-time monitoring of vessel berthing

    Recently, Saigon Petro Port in Ho Chi Minh City successfully completed the installation and commissioning of the Berthing Aid System (BAS), implemented by Reecotech. This system enables the port to accommodate and operate larger vessels while providing real-time monitoring and management of the entire berthing process, ensuring safe and efficient port operations. Real-time data on [...]
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    Giải pháp quan trắc môi trường

    Reecotech: Pioneering Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning Solutions

    As a leading company with extensive experience in providing solutions for environmental monitoring, hydro-meteorological observation, disaster prevention, and safe operation support, Reecotech is honored to have been selected by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Vietnam) as the implementing partner for the project titled “Supply and Installation of Automatic Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring and Early Warning Systems” [...]
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    Buổi bàn giao hệ thống và phần mềm chuyên dụng cho nghiên cứu biển

    Completion of the Delivery of Specialized Equipment and Software for Marine Research

    To meet the needs of developing marine environmental research projects, Reecotech has successfully completed the project “Delivery of Specialized Equipment and Software for Marine Surveying, Investigation, and Research”. As a leading company in environmental technology and marine measurement, Reecotech takes pride in providing modern, optimal solutions for its clients’ critical projects. Currently, coastal areas and [...]
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    Trạm phao quan trắc chất lượng nước tại Trạm bơm Hòa Phú - sông Sài Gòn

    Completion of Installation of Water Quality Buoy Monitoring Station at Hoa Phu Pumping Station

    In recent years, ensuring the quality of water for both domestic and industrial use has become increasingly important due to environmental issues such as pollution and climate change. Particularly in the downstream area of the Saigon River, pollution and saltwater intrusion have been on the rise, threatening water safety and posing significant challenges to water [...]
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    hệ thống trạm quan trắc khí tượng thủy văn hiện đại theo quy định của Nghị định 48/2020/NĐ-CP

    Completion of the installation of a meteorological and hydrographic monitoring system in compliance with Decree 48/2020/ND-CP at Cam Ranh Port

    Cam Ranh Port, formerly known as Ba Ngoi Port, is an international commercial port located in Cam Ranh Bay, Khanh Hoa province. It is one of Vietnam’s most important seaports, playing a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the region. To enhance safety and operational efficiency, port enterprises here have completed the installation of [...]
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    hệ thống trạm quan trắc khí tượng thủy văn

    Installation of a meteorological and hydrographic monitoring station at Phuoc Khanh Oil Port

    Pursuant to Decree 48/2020/ND-CP, the Nhon Trach port consortium in Dong Nai has successfully installed a state-of-the-art meteorological and hydrographic monitoring system. The project was carried out by Reecotech, Vietnam’s premier provider of comprehensive meteorological, hydrographic, and environmental monitoring solutions. Phuoc Khanh Port – one of the important “gateways” of the southern region – plays [...]
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