Reecotech organizes International Women’s Day on March 8 for female employees

On its path of development and success, Reecotech never forgets to recognize and honor the important role of women in the workplace. On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th, the gentlemen at the company organized a special small party dedicated to the female employees.
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March, with the echoes of spring, is also a month to honor Vietnamese women, who are always praised for their many good qualities. Reecotech women are no exception, always beautiful, strong, passionate in their work, and diligent in their roles as wives and mothers in their families.
To express appreciation and gratitude for the contributions of female staff members, the leadership thoughtfully prepared meaningful gifts for the Reeco sisters. The party took place in a cheerful and warm atmosphere, filled with beautiful wishes, hearty laughter, and unforgettable bonding moments.
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Reecotech wishes all the sisters to always be beautiful, happy, and successful in life!


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