In order to introduce new technologies and solutions in environmental monitoring, especially the environment and water resources, REECO Science and Technology Co., Ltd. has cooperated with Environmental Monitoring Center, General Department of Environment to organize Organized the seminar “New technologies and solutions in environmental monitoring” on May 25-26, 2017 at Song Hong Resort, City. Vinh Yen, Vinh Phuc province.
Speaking at the Workshop, Dr. Hoang Duong Tung, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Environment, said that environmental monitoring activities in Vietnam have been implemented and maintained from 1994 to now, on a scale from central to local. The agencies and units implementing environmental monitoring are increasingly developing in both quantity and quality.
In 2016, with the Prime Minister signing and issuing Decision No. 90/2016/QD-TTg dated January 12, 2016 approving the Planning of the National Natural Resources and Environment Monitoring Network for the period of 2016-2025, with a vision to 2030, aiming to build a rational, unified, synchronous, modern national monitoring system, reaching the leading level in the Southeast Asia region and the advanced level of the Asia region.
At the same time, to meet the demand for basic survey information to serve the state management of environmental protection and socio-economic development requirements, to serve forecasting, warning, prevention, mitigation of damage caused by natural disasters and environmental pollution, and response to climate change, monitoring technology applied in the network is increasingly advanced and modern. Investment in equipment is made to meet the practical requirements of monitoring and analyzing environmental quality parameters.
Representing REECO Science and Technology Company, Mr. Tran Minh Hai presented modern technological solutions with high feasibility and can be effectively applied in continuous monitoring of Vietnam’s marine environment, such as: Sea buoy station; Solution of underwater cable station & data transmission via cable to shore station; Bottom anchor solution – periodic data collection; Field measurement solutions, sample collection, laboratory and field analysis solutions, etc.
Trong khuôn khổ hoạt động triển lãm tại hội thảo, bên cạnh được nghe thuyết minh về nguyên lý hoạt động, các tính năng công nghệ mới,… các đại biểu còn được thao tác, đánh giá trực tiếp trên các thiết bị như: thiết bị đo đạc các thông số hải dương với các sensor đo, Thiết bị đo đạc đa chỉ tiêu chất lượng nước, Thiết bị đo ghi dòng Chảy, Nhiệt – Mặn, độ Đục, độ Sâu, Robot ngầm điều khiển từ xa (ROV),…dưới sự hướng dẫn của các kỹ sư.
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