Reecotech proudly offers real-time environmental weather data and thunderstorm warning services, based on an advanced monitoring station network and a modern data analysis system. This service helps customers grasp detailed information about the surrounding environment, thereby making timely and appropriate decisions.
Reecotech offers a comprehensive suite of real-time environmental weather data and thunderstorm warning services, encompassing a wide range of features to empower informed decision-making.
1. Real-time Environmental Data:
Gain access to up-to-date environmental parameters, including:
- Meteorological Data: Temperature, Humidity, Air Pressure, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Precipitation, Solar Radiation
- Air Quality Data: PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, SO2, O3
- Water Quality Data: pH, DO, COD, BOD, TSS, NH4+, NO3-
2. Thunderstorm Warning System:
Stay ahead of potential thunderstorms with timely alerts:
- Early Warnings: Receive timely notifications of potential thunderstorm risks in your vicinity
- Thunderstorm Information: Access detailed information about the location, intensity, and movement of approaching thunderstorms
3. Data Management System:
Effectively manage and analyze your environmental data:
- Easy Data Access: Seamlessly retrieve and store environmental data for further analysis
- Data Analysis and Reporting: Generate customized reports tailored to your specific needs
- API Integration: Integrate environmental data seamlessly with existing systems using robust APIs