Heated Multiplexing System with Inbuilt Calibration

Heated Multi Streams Selector
Designed for automatic sampling in several locations (up to 16 sampling points)

  • Model: Multiplexer
  • Manufacturer: Chromatotec

We propose multiplexers (selection of multichannel samples) adapted to your installation and controlled by our software VISTACHROM.


  • “Cycle” methods to analyze different ranges on each stream.
  • Transfer data via MODBUS, specific for each stream.


This multiplexer is made with inert tubes and is linked to different lines (one line with one METHOD). It is built with a heated multiposition valve. The temperature of the valve and of the sampling line can be set at up to 100°C (or more) to decrease the risks of condensation and to decrease the possibility to lose some molecules during the sampling phase (e.g. heavy hydrocarbons, phenol …)

It allows to analyse on sequence or to choose any of the different METHOD in manual mode. The selected stream number is displayed in the front panel of the instrument and can be transferred using the available communication protocols.

It purges the different lines that are not in analysis to decrease the sampling time for the next analysis and to avoid absorption of any compounds on the line.

To check the stability of the flow, a flow meter is installed on the front panel. It is important to control the flow every year with a flowmeter calibrated at +/-1%.

Mulipoint calibration:

The Multipoint calibration is designed for automatic validation of results. The calibration is ensured by permeation tubes (e.g. butane, hexane, benzene…).

The permeation tubes swept by a constant pure air stream are installed in a precisely regulated temperature oven. These two parameters allow a full control of the emitted gas concentration.

A Mass Flow Controller (MFC) is installed inside the instrument to control the permeation oven dilution flow. The MFC is used to make easily different dilution (using zero air or nitrogen) point using the same permeation tubes.

A certified cylinder can also be used for the calibration and validation of results (cross checking between permeation tubes and cylinder). The system is controlled by Vistachrom software and different methods can be programmed for the calibration.

VISTACHROM software:

Chromatotec® developed software system enables:

  • Remote control
  • Full traceability with on board archiving of results
  • Programation and control of threshold alarms
  • Ponctual (laboratory) or continuous measurement
  • Data export by MODBUS / JBUS / MGS1 / 4-20mA / 0-10V
  • Automatic Trend of concentration depending on selected stream


  • Gas cleaner
  • Modul 4 x analog output 4-20 mA or 0-10 V.
  • Automatic results validation.
  • 24 V power supply.
  • Nitrogen and/or zero air generators for dilution
  • Sampling pump in 24V DC or airmoPUMP (XXX901 or XXX915)
  • Pressure and temperature measurement
Permeation tubes available (3 tubes included in standard): Butane, hexane, benzene in standard for VOCs applications DMS in standard for sulfurs application and other tubes upon requestNitrogen generator needed for dilution for special application
Calibration oven temperature: 45°C ± 0.1°C in standard
Multiplexing system oven temperature: Up to 170°C ± 0.1°C in standard
Mass Flow Controller range for the calibration option: MFC dilution gas: 0-1 000 mL/min
Air stream flow: Depending on the expected calibration concentration
Programmation: The Heated Multi Stream Selector is fully controlled by Vistachrom software.
Traceability of results with the information of the analyzed stream.
Cycle time: The same than analysis
Power supply: • Main (230V / 115V 50 Hz/60Hz)
• Battery 24V (option)
Electrical consumption: • Average : 100 VA
• Peak : 200 VA
Dimensions: • Rack (19’’) 5U
• Width: 482 mm
• Depth: 660 mm
• Height: 222 mm
weight: • 20 kg
To order: Model:
Heated Multiplexing system

airmoCAL MFC (4U-8 points)




multiplexer (6 streams)







TSP Multi streams selector


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