EXO Rhodamine Sensor

Provides accurate on-site measurement of Rhodamine WT in fresh water, brackish water, sea water, groundwater, storm water and wastewater

  • SKU: 577641
  • Manufacturer: YSI
  • Origin: USA

Rhodamine WT is commonly selected for dye tracer studies due to its ease of use, low adsorptive tendency, strong fluorescence, and negligible environmental impact. Offering the widest detection range with the most sensitive detection limit, the EXO Rhodamine Sensor is ideal for monitoring the movement of water as well as dispersion and mixing characteristics.

Suitable for a variety of applications:

  • Time-of-travel (TOT) studies
  • Hydraulic characterization
  • Mixing zone identification
  • Pollution plume tracing
  • Spill mapping

Notable Specifications:

  • Range: 0 to 1,000 µg/L or 0 to 100 RFU
  • Resolution: 0.01 µg/L or 0.01 RFU
  • Accuracy: +/- 5% or 0.1 µg/L w.i.g

Compact and Accurate

The EXO platform offers a completely new approach – highly accurate, quick-response sensors in a small, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-maintain package. Gone are large and complicated sensor arrangements requiring complex integration.

Smart Probes

All EXO sensors have onboard memory and processing, allowing users to easily calibrate and configure sensors at one location and distribute to various field sites. Smart sensors are auto-recognized from any port of an EXO sonde making sensor payloads interchangeable and completely customizable.

Smart Ports

Wet-mateable connectors allow for swaps in wet conditions, while the smart ports shut down any excessive current draws to prevent damage.

Designed for Use with EXO Multiparameter Sondes

• EXO1 sonde has 4 ports and a smaller diameter
• EXO2 sonde has 7 ports for the ultimate monitoring platform
• EXO3 sonde has 5 ports for a lower cost option using the central wiper
• EXO2s sonde offers the same features as the EXO2, but without the battery compartment

Accuracy +/- 5% or 0.1 µg/L w.i.g
Depth Rating 250m
Linearity R²>0.999
Measurement Range 0 to 1,000 µg/L or 0 to 100 RFU
Minimum Detection Limit 0.01 µg/L
Operating Temperature -5 to 50°C
Resolution 0.01 µg/L or 0.01 RFU
Storage Temperature -20 to 80°C
Unit of Measure µg/L, ppb, RFU
User Calibratable 4-point calibration
Warranty 2 years

6130 Rhodamine Sensor Spec Sheet


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