
Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Ultra-High Resolution & Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrogen Isotopes and Light Gases

  • Model: DLS-20
  • Manufacturer: Hiden Analytical

Ultra The Hiden DLS-20 QMS is a quadrupole mass spectrometer specifically designed for the analysis of Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes and light gases and includes a new Hiden mass filter designed for ultra high resolution.


  • Fusion research
  • Isotope studies
  • Synchrotron studies
  • Nanotechnology
  • Residual gas analysis

The DLS-20 includes a unique, user switchable mode allowing the DLS-20 to be operated in both the first and second quadrupole stability regions, Zone I and Zone H. The stability region required is user selected in software. The benefit of operating in both zone I and zone H quadrupole stability regions with automatic switching in software is that this provides ultra-high resolution in the mass range to 20 amu, and very high resolution performance up to 200 amu. For example, this provides separation of the critical HD/3He peaks in zone H whilst in the same scan sequence analysing and acquiring data from other species with masses up to 200 amu using the conventional zone I stability region..

Other mass range configurations are available on request.

The quadrupole analyzer is a precision assembled triple mass filter combining 20 mm diameter quadrupole rods with unique, independently driven RF only secondary filter stages preceding and following the primary mass filter. A UHV low profile electron impact ioniser with twin oxide coated iridium filaments and a pulse ion counting single channel electron multiplier detector are included as standard. A Faraday detector option extends the dynamic range to 5 x 1010.

DLS-20 systems are directly controlled from a PC compatible computer via RS232, USB or Ethernet link, providing simultaneous data acquisition from multiple systems. The RC interface unit is a 90 mm high (2U),

19 inch rack mounting unit. It is mains powered and includes power on and filament status indicators. Windows® -MASsoft Professional PC software provides for fast data acquisition through either user configured acquisition files or pre-set modes selected by icon.

The Hiden DLS-20 system comprises

  • Type RC2 control interface module for connection to the user’s PC, complete with connecting cables for the RF generator, head amplifier module and PC.  A 19 inch rack mounting unit 2U high (3.5 inch, 88 mm), 237 mm deep.
  • High-power RF generator with 0.9 m long RF cables for connection to the PIC analyzer. A freestanding unit 276 mm high, 438 mm wide and 274 mm deep.
  • Head amplifier module mounting directly to the PIC analyzer, with integral pulse ion counting discriminator and cable interface.
  • PIC analyzer including electron impact ioniser, triple
  • stage quadrupole mass filter, pulse ion counting electron multiplier detector.
  • Windows® MASsoft Professional PC software programmed for system operation. The system requires a PC for operation, not included in this item.

DLS-20 Features

  • Unique dual zone switching mode: The resolving power of quadrupole zone H operation is available as a software selectable mode. The mode selection can be made for individual scans within an experiment, or in MID trend analysis with the stability zone selectable for each mass within the scan.
  • Hiden’s high power electronics is now offered with selectable Zone H capability for masses up to 20 amu and zone I for masses up to 200 amu – in a single package.
  • Low profile ion source. Desorbing surfaces may be positioned to within 8 mm of the ionization range.
  • Fast data acquisition. Scan rates to 5 ms per amu.
  • Mixed mode scanning. Trend Analysis, Histogram and Analog peaks in a multi-window display.
  • Full user software control of Ion source for soft ionization and appearance potential mass spectrometry, for threshold ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS).
  • TTL signal direct output for external use with multichannel scaler cards, for example.
  • Gating input for pulsed gas studies with down to 1 µs gating resolution.
  • Wide dynamic range. 7 decade continuous log scale, and up to 5 x 1010 with Faraday option.
  • Automatic mass scale alignment.
  • Data export facility to ASCII format and to all Windows® devices for printing/plotting.
Mass Range – nominal: The DLS-20 system can be operated in both the first and second stability regions, zone I and zone H. Software selectable and switchable.
Exact Mass range /RF matching is optimised for both modes of operation, and is fixed on system test 1: 200 amu operating in first stability region, zone I.

1: 20 amu – operating in the second stability region, zone H.

Maximum Operating Pressure : 5 x 10-6 mbar. 1 x 10-4 mbar with Faraday option
First Stability Region, Zone I: At mass 40: m/∆m = 600

(This represents a peak width of 0.07 amu at 10% peak heigh

Second stability Region, Zone H: At mass 4: m/∆m = 667, or m/∆m = 1000 (FWHM)

(Defined as peak width of 0.006 amu at 10% peak height or 0.004 amu FWHM).

User switchable between first and second stability operation.
Detector: Ion Counting Channeltron Electron Multiplier digital detector.
Minimum Detectable Partial Pressure: < 5 x 10-15 Torr.

7 decade continuous log scale, extendable to 5 x 1010 with

Detector Dynamic Range: Faraday option.
Measurement speed
Maximum measurement speed: 650 measurements per second.
Ion Source: Electron bombardment type, radially symmetric low profile.
Filament: Twin filament. Oxide coated iridium is standard.
Mass filter – 20mm pole diameter: Triple stage mass filter with pre- and post-filters.
Electron emission: Software variable 1 µA to 2 mA. 1 mA is standard
Electron energy: Software variable 0 V to 150 eV. 70 eV is standard.
Ion energy: Software variable 0 V to 10 eV. 3 eV is standard.
Analyzer mounting flange: DN-150-CF (8″/200 mm OD Conflat-type) base flange
Analyzer insertion length from base flange face: 348 mm from DN-150-CF base flange.
RF head dimensions: Free-standing module 438 mm x 276 mm x 274 mm with

0.9 m RF cables to the analyzer head.

RC2 interface unit dimensions: Height: 90 mm/2U

Width: 19″ rack mounting

Depth: 483 mm

Cable lengths
RC2 interface to: 3 m standard.

Longer lengths to 30 m available.

RF head
RC2 interface to PC: Up to 15 metres with RS232 link.

Up to 750 metres with unbridged Ethernet link. 5 m Ethernet and 5m RS232 cables included.

Power requirement: 110-120 VAC, 220-240 VAC, 0.75 kVA.

DLS-20 Ultra High Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer


Ultra High Resolution 20 mm Quadrupole with Dual Zone Operation


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