Chroma S – COS

A specific sulphur compounds analyser

  • Model: Chroma S – COS
  • Manufacturer: Chromatotec
Targetted compounds:
  • H2S / COS / SO2 / MM / EM / DMS / DMDS / DES / CS2
  • All mercaptan species
  • All sulphide species
  • Air monitoring:
    • Emission analysis & monitoring
    • Indoor & Outdoor analysis
    • Transportable field based analysis
  • Process Quality:
    • Odorant analysis & monitoring
    • DeSulfurisation / Deodorisation processes
    • Catalyser protection
    • Sulphur in Natural Gas
    • Sulphur in Pure CO2


The gas sample comes through the sampling loop. Range is linked to the size loop and electronic amplification. Then the sample is injected into the column for separation. A controlled temperature oven allows selection the ideal temperature according to the application. The temperature setting is isothermal at 35°c.


Detection is achieved by a photometric detector double flame. No quenching with the double flame

We have linearization by compounds

The identification of the compounds is based on their Retention Time = RT = elution from the column

Automatic data validation with internal calibration using a DMS permeation tube.

VISTACHROM ® software:

Sequence with methods for: sample(s) / zero air / CALIB The VISTACHROM software enables the user to visualize and store data on a computer. Computer = XXX015 or 022 is needed

It provide comfortable utilities to recalculate, calibrate and export data and to set-up measurement. Software allows the calculation of retention time, area, mass or concentration profiles/TREND.


  • A MODBUS / communication protocol
  • One module 4x analog output 4-20 mA or 0-10 V
  • Hydrogen and Zero Air Generator
  • Multiple stream selector (2 to 10)
  • Nitrogen generator XXX912
  • Dilution system
  • Heated line
  • Valve to control cylinder



Total Sulphur compounds analysis:
  • H2S, mercaptans, sulfides, COS, SO2, CS2
  • CS2 is not analysed by the Medor range
  • Speciation and/or TOTAL Sulfur analysis
Detection limits (*performance guaranteed with Chromatotec generators)

with loop = 250 µl and amplification 2

  • 14 ppb for H2S/SO2/ MM/EM/DMS/DES/COS
  • 8 ppb for DMDS & CS2
Detection range:

ppm or ppb : amplification 1&2

  • 0,01 to 10 mg/m3 or 0 to 600 mg/m3
  • % / ppm / ppb level depends on compounds for ex H2S = 0,01 to 10 mg/m3 = 7 ppb to 7 ppm
Relative Standard Deviation:
  • RSD < 5% on concentration over 24 hrs
  • RSD < 1% on Retention Time over 24 hrs
  • Hardware storage in XX022 or XXX015
  • MODBUS communication protocol (optional)
  • 4-20mA one module for 4 outputs (optional)
Data Management:
  • Full storage of chromatograms & results
  • All analyses date & time stamped individually
Cycle Times:
  • 10 mins in standard
Gas Supply: input 1/8″ Swagelok
  • Sample inlet: for 80 ml / min and 1 atmosphere (20°C)
  • Cylinder Calibration inlet at 80 ml/min
  • H2 at 2 bars for 70 ml/min
  • Air for detector at 3 bars for 80 ml/min
  • Air for carrier gas at 3 bars for 5 ml/min
  • For calib, air at 50 ml/min in continue and during calibration one cycle by day at 300 ml/min
  • Pneumatic valve 90 mL/min commutation
Power Supply:
  • Main: 230V / 50Hz or 115 / 60Hz
Electrical consumption:
  • Average: 100 VA
  • Peak: 200 VA
Dimensions and weight:
  • Rack: 19″ – (5U)
  • Height: 220mm
  • Width: 482mm
  • Depth: 600 mm
  • Net weight: 17 kg
To order: Model:
Chroma S-COS 4U
Needs a 5U supervisor (ref. XXX015)
Chroma S-COS 5U C51022-COS


TSP chromaS-COS


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