
a sampling pump

  • Model: airmoPUMP
  • Manufacturer: Chromatotec

Simplified and enhanced headspace sampling system designed to extract representative samples from the liquid phase.

The vaporized sample can be preconcentrated using a trap to achieve quantification at very low concentration levels (ppb and/or ppm). Then, it is injected automatically and in continuous mode into the auto-GC analyzer.


We supply a sampling pump for one stream with tubing and filters (flow select in the instrument 20 mL/min <flow<150 mL/min):

  • Used in vacuum mode with airmoVOC or aimoBTEX or airTOXIC
  • Power : 230 Volt / 50 hertz or 115 V / 60 hertz
  • Electric consumption : 65 watts for 230 V and 55 w for 115
  • Pressure max.: 2,4 bar
  • Vaccuum better than 800 hPa
  • Weight : 2 Kg
  • Height: 150mm
  • Width: 90mm
  • Depth: 170mm



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